Weekly Photo Challenge: Right Place, Right Time!

Right place, right time is the name of the photography game. That and the right light. Most of my best photographs were a combination of having a camera when I needed it and being where something happened worth commemorating.

From sunsets to laughter, it’s always about being there and having a camera ready. I always keep a camera with me and even though it weighs down my bag, you just never know what out of nowhere, suddenly, there’s a great picture.

Herons are pretty good about standing still while you take their picture. Unless you startle them.

Waiting for me in the river, one Great Blue Heron

The thing was, I didn’t have a long lens on the camera or even with me, so instead of zooming, I had to creep up on him.

More heron!

The ground was mucky and muddy, but I decided I could cope with mud because I wanted that bird. Except I was wearing open-back shoes and when I tried to clamber up from the bank of the river, my shoes stuck in the mud. My feet moved on, but my shoes stayed put. That was when I discovered I could not climb up the hill without my shoes. So I sat down to wait. I figured eventually, Garry would wander by and we’d work it out.

Which we did.

Don’t wear open back shoes in the mud by the river. And it’s always good to have a long lens with you.

Categories: #Birds, #BlackstoneRiver, #Photography, River, Swans and herons, Wildlife

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16 replies

  1. Nicely captured! I think the mud and patience were well worth the result. 😊


  2. Nicely captured! I think the mud and patience was well worth the result. 😊


  3. He’s a beautiful heron — did he fly away when you got stuck?


  4. The composition is stellar, Marilyn, I’d love to paint that.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That is going above and beyond to get a good photo. I try to avoid our park in the aftermath of a good rain, because a lot of my good places for squirrel photos get muddy/mucky/outright flooded… and even without open toed shoes, I’ve nearly lost mine before trying to escape the grip of a muck puddle I stepped in while looking elsewhere…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I could see it was muddy, but I didn’t have any other way of getting relatively close to the heron. I really DO have bone spurs on my heels, so I wear open-backed shoes all summer and very soft boots in the winter. For me, getting my shoes stuck was one problem. The other was actually being unable to get back up the hill. I’d come down a shallower slope, but after walking along the shore, the hill back to flatland was more abrupt and I’m not agile.

      This is one of those “learning about age” things. I was quite nimble when I was younger. I was always the one out on the slippery rocks, stepping from rock to rock with Garry trying not to look for fear of my imminent demise. Compared to falling off the rocks in Gloucester, getting my shoes glued to the riverbank was a trifle. I figured when Garry remembered to visit me, we’d find a way out.

      But I think I’ll stay out of the muck.


  6. You have a lot of patience Marilyn. Great photos 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I always have a camera with me, although when I was still a walker just one. Since wheeling around outside I take my heavier ?Nikon and the zoom lens as I do not have to carry it, but have the bag in the chair

    Liked by 3 people

    • I usually carry a small camera in my bag with a 40X zoom on it. It’s not a great camera, but it’s relatively small and pretty good. I don’t have a really good long lens, so I use cameras with long zooms. And mostly, Garry hauls my stuff because it’s pretty heavy … but a lot of the time, I just don’t want to have that much stuff, so I have a couple of small cameras with long lenses. It’s not a perfect solution but it works pretty well.

      Liked by 3 people

      • “…a turn to the left, a turn to the right…..we’re happy ….with my blue heron”
