VERY PERSONAL WRISTS – Marilyn Armstrong

FOWC with Fandango — Personal

I thought I had this under control, but I don’t. Last night, I turned my wrist sideways and the pain shot up my arm and I said “Oh, shit.”

Sorry. I really have something — more than something — to say, but I can’t write until this hurts a lot less. I think, frankly, all the photo processing is what got it, but the writing makes it worse.

Red autumn berries by the river

It’s pretty personal and damned painful. Sorry, but back to the brace and no typing — because I can’t. The brace essentially makes it impossible.

And Garry said “I can hear the river …” and I realized he had never said anything like that before

Maybe a few more days? It doesn’t get more personal than this. Pain is terribly personal.

Categories: #DamsAndWaterfalls, #FOWC, #Photography, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Personal

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28 replies

  1. I hope it resolves with some rest Marilyn!


  2. Ouch! Between all the box cutting and handling of small items at work, and all the typing and mouse handling I do at home… I get problems like this pop up as well from time to time, and I know they suck. Hopefully your pain will die down soon…


  3. I know how hard it is for you not to write so this must be so frustrating. Take care, we’d rather lose you for a few days or a week while you rest than altogether.


  4. My wife has broken both of her wrists (fortunately not at the same time) and periodically, if she bends her wrists in the wrong way, it can be extremely painful. It takes a day or two before she can use her hands again without pain. Until the next time it happens. I hope your wrist feels better soon.


    • It sort of makes the whole blogging thing a bit moot, doesn’t it? Cooking, too. I thought I WAS better, but apparently not better enuff. Gonna really slow me down 🙂 Say hi to your wife and tell her I quite literally share her pain.

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  5. Take a few days – or a week – off until that wrist heals, and please don’t respond to this comment ’cause then I’ll feel guilty.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. very big sympathy about the pain – I have OA in my feet and hands. If you’ve got windows 7 upwards there’s a speech recognition software that types for you (you need to train it to your voice) but it’s good for first drafts/and I use grammerly for spelling/grammar when the Voice recognition struggles. take care love Bec 🙂


  7. Yes pain is personal and hurtful.


  8. Aw. 😦 But healing the ‘pain’ is a slow process, and one always seems to back slide.. take care! A good friend of mine from cyberspace, COPD4Real (COPDTravails) discovered you yesterday and you’ve got a new fan. Well deserved IMHO…


    • Thank you 🙂 Not being able to type is difficult. I can do other things that don’t require individual fingers moving separately, but this takes SO long it’s ridiculous. Having trouble even finding what part of the keyboard to be on! It is giving me a great opportunity to listen to music, And adjust the sound on this crazy computer which has more levels of sound …

      Healing IS slow and I am always in a hurry. I have no patience with my body, so it fights back.

      I decided to go back to what I do well and feel most comfortable doing — writing stuff that means something to me rather than trying to make a word soup of all the prompt words … taking pretty pictures. Still hoping for a decent autumn.

      Really thought this was better. It was. For about 5 hours.

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  9. Wear the brace and take care! Yay for Garry hearing the river!


  10. this is heartbreaking in more than one way ….
    you cry out in pain and swear a bit in frustration
    garry hears the falling water and the flowing river
    aaarrgh….. wishing you both WELL. don’t write and store it all away – i sometimes have to stop reading because my eyes hurt too much. But never for longer than a few hours. GET WELL soon. and wear your brace 😉


  11. Ouch. Yes, take care!


  12. You have to take care, Marilyn.

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