Kammie’s Oddball Challenge 9/20/18

Odd Ball Photos are those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category. We’ve all taken and like them because we just can’t hit delete. If you have any, this challenge is for you.

Oddball: noun a person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming; adjective – whimsically free-spirited; eccentric; atypical

How It Works?

This Odd Ball Challenge is not topic-related. Feel free to add any photos or artwork that fits into the category. Be creative and challenge yourself. Hopefully, you’ll find your creative eye will be expanded. ENJOY and have FUN.

How many hand-painted post office signs do you see?

Perfect home for birdies?

They are trying to sell post offices boxes, but it was a really odd sign in the parking lot!

You know it’s a new car because you need to take pictures of it!

Kammie’s Oddball Challenge

Categories: #Photography, Garry Armstrong

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19 replies

  1. Is your car red or orange? Great photos…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are very interesting to me-thank you for sharing! The new car made me smile, and I’ve never seen post office boxes for sale lol. I love the hand painted sign, probably my fave. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the oddball explanation. I sort of knew it but then I also didn’t…. I have a good grasp of language, and also I love words – but every so often I find myself reading or even saying words I don’t REALLY know exactly what they mean – but use them correctly! And then I have all the pain in the world to find the equivalent word in any of my other languages….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kiki, oddball usually is the thing or person that seemingly doesn’t fit in with the overall scene you’re observing. Usually, it jumps out at you as you look around. It’s a game I play with myself. During my working years, I always looked for oddball things that stood at odds or differed from the things in our story.

      A now cliche oddball thing: At the scene of a tragedy — fire, car accident, murder. Mayhem comprises most of the scene. You look for something that is different — serene. Like a muddy child’s shoe, a doll, flowers unsullied by the mayhem. In a crowd of grieving people, one person is smiling (usually for the TV cameras). That’s generic oddball.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Garry, Thank You – these additional indications are helpful for me. There are nearly daily new or not completely ‘clear’ words to be found in newspapers and articles. For instance, I had to look up the term Op Ed…. NOBODY around me really knew what it was and I was glad to have looked it up in depth and was able to explain. Another ‘newish’ word (well, not so new!) was photo-bombing 😉


  4. Mamchauga seems to be in another world

    Liked by 2 people

  5. That mailbox sign is a really oddball one — I realize it’s in a parking lot, but it almost looks as if it’s intended to say “don’t go past here!”

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