SNOW AND THE HOLIDAYS – Marilyn Armstrong

Today and tomorrow are doctor visit days for Garry. His three-month surgical checkup for his ear and a stress test for his heart … so I’m writing ahead because I’m just not going to be around. Hope you don’t mind.

This is turning out to be a crazy busy month. I feel like Alice, running as fast as she can just to stay in the same place!

The holidays haven’t officially “hit” because of a calendar thing. It’s not because Thanksgiving is just a few days away. Nope, it’s that all of a sudden, it’s winter. We’ve got snow.

Snow falls and suddenly, everyone thinks Christmas, including those of us who aren’t Christian. Much of the snow that fell while we were away has melted. Not all of it, but more than half, anyway.

More is expected today and tomorrow. I suppose we might as well get on with holidays since, with the ground snowy, icy, and muddy, there isn’t much else to do.

The last time we got significant snow before or on Thanksgiving was 2014, a year during which we got 120 inches of snow out here in the country. That is, no matter how you look at it, a lot of snow. It’s the amount they normally get in northern Maine. It’s downright Siberian.

Christmas is so minimal in this house, there’s really isn’t much for us to do. I don’t put up wreaths any more.  We have so few visitors and live far off the main road that no one sees them.

Also, the nursery where I used to buy them closed and somehow, buying them at the grocery store may be cheaper, but it doesn’t have that “feeling” it had, picking the perfect one at the nursery.

We don’t give gifts because we don’t have money and anything we can afford is no more than a kindly thought. We give small things. Holiday reminders, maybe. Remembrance of days gone by when we ran up our credit cards because we got into some kind of bizarre Christmas frenzy.

These days, the tree gets plugged in. Our blue Christmas lights live in the living room drapes all year round, so when the holiday arrives, I just plug them in.

It doesn’t get simpler than that. We had fun with Tom and Ellin and that’s always a treat.

The weather isn’t as bad as it is going to be in a few days. Hopefully, we’ll have time to get some of the many errands, doctor appointments, vet appointments, and other stuff done.

And I have my fingers crossed that we’ll find someone to plow the driveway!

Boston’s big holiday tree

This is an El Niño year which can be bad. But, you never know. Sometimes winter starts out bad but eases up. Meanwhile, I’m keeping a close eye on weather maps and trying not to worry.

Categories: #Photography, Christmas, Holidays

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11 replies

  1. I love your sparkling little tree guarded by the those two gorgeous Nutcrackers! I’ve become a minimalist when it comes to Christmas decorations too. Oh what fun it was when we lived in our Victorian in the 1980s and 90s! It took weeks to decorate and I left everything up until the end of February. Sweet memories, I’ll always cherish. But these days, a little goes a long way. ❤ Wishing you and Garry the happiest of of holidays, Marilyn! xoxo

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  2. We do a very minimal Christmas too.

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  3. Here’s hoping the appointments go well, and a plow company answers your call. 🙂 I love the holiday season, but each year I get out less than the year before. I think someone might conclude that you and I are aging. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aging? How can that be? Well, maybe. It’s true, too. We still get invitations, but the long drives to Boston or the cape are a lot, especially for a single day’s trip. And the moment we get one of those places, we are ready to turn around and go home!

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  4. I love these photos too. We haven’t had snow yet, it has been nearly cold enough. Last year we had snow aplenty but so far this year, not. This is great for those who must travel daily, but not so great for the rivers and streams next year. It is very much a crisp autumn as yet with vibrant blue skies overhead. Can’t complain about that! 🙂

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    • I would prefer still being autumnal!


      • True I suspect since the snow you get is amazing! Amazing! Grew up on the prairies with fifty below zero F and tons of snow, moved to the Okanagan that has seasons, but when snow came, it was feet covered the 3 foot fence and it wasn’t always snowdrifts. Here, we get a foot or so, depending on whether one dump follows another, but nothing like what you get!

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  5. I have discovered the nice thing about Christmas is seeing what the others do, with photos. The rest is stress and I no longer need stress. I love to see your christmas, it looks homely and good. And you know what, we got our first snow today. 🙂

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  6. I just noticed while watering the plants that both Christmas cacti are covered with buds … and there’s a new shoot coming up on the orchids! That, for me, it the BEST part of the holidays! I love the flowers.

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