It’s hard to know who’s the brilliant one — bird or photographer? The bird is red, which is brilliant … but I got him looking incredibly cute, so does that make me brilliant, in a different way?

There was not the usual cloud of birds around the feeder this morning, but there was one very pretty little red finch that somehow I managed to get pictures of. He is awfully cute.

He’s giving me his “good” side!

I wonder if he will eventually be entirely red?

Small, red, and I just know I could teach him to hang around. I’m not sure how, but I’m sure I could. Somehow.


Is this cute or what?

Categories: #Birds, #Birds, #Photography, Daily Prompt

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15 replies

  1. Oh and the Brilliance is YOU, of course!!!


  2. I LOVE my finches and photograph them all the time…but you remind me, I do need to go out and wash that window!!


  3. Probably wondering the same thing my squirrels do…. just what is that strange featherless creature doing gawking at me from behind that black box?


    • My biggest problem is that if I try to get outside to shoot, they fly away and wait until I leave before they come back. They sit, watch me, and wait. Even noise from the dogs in the kitchen will make them fly. I have to be very sneaky!


  4. I think he was giving you the “eye” Marilyn.


  5. He is so beautiful! I am very sad this year; we had birdfeeders on the lawn for years, but now the bears don’t seem to hibernate as deeply, and we keep losing feeders to bears. Then I bought two feeders that attach to our windows. For two years it was fabulous, but alas! The squirrels have found us now and we can’t figure out a way to stop them from sitting in the feeders. The birds get no food and the dogs go insane. And the window trims get scratched to pieces.
    I miss feeding these little finches and their chickadee/nuthatch/junco/cardinal/woodpecker pals…..


    • We’ve been finding bear scat around here, too. I haven’t seen any, but they have arrived. The squirrels can’t seem to get a grip on the feeders, but they enjoy eating all the scattered seeds off the deck. I hesitate to imagine what a bear could do to that deck! I don’t think any of us are ready for bears yet. We’re still figuring out how to deal with the coyotes.


  6. I am getting jealous of your bird varieties. All I have are armies of sparrows and one or two tits, but nothing fluffy or red.


    • The red ones are unique. They used to catch these little guys and sell them as “pets,” even though they were not pets, but actual wild birds. One day, the U.S, government made it illegal to sell wild birds, so all the pet store owners just opened the cages and let the little red finches go. They are originally all from the southwest, but now, because of the pet store release, they have taken up residence almost everywhere in North America, from Mexico through Canada. They showed up here last year and I couldn’t find them in my bird book because they weren’t native to this region. But I found them online. They are very cute.

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  7. I guarantee that he’s not asking the same question. He is what he is. Nature is complicated, yet so simple in many ways.
