There comes a time when you no longer know what you are doing, only that you are always doing something. This has been one of those weeks. Between doctor appointments, pharmacy runs, shopping, and just keeping the house from becoming a massive dirt zone, there’s not a lot of time left over. Add it taking some pictures, processing the pictures, writing some stuff for the blog, there’s even less time. 

Then there’s a leave a little time for just relaxing, reading a book.  I was up until 2 last night clearing out email. It comes by the hundreds per day and there’s no way I can manage it. So far, nothing has gotten it under control.

If you, as a five-year-old, woke up in your current body, what would happen, what would you say?

Holy shit! Where did I get all these scars? What HAPPENED?

What is a relationship deal breaker for you?  Whether you are talking about a romantic one, a friendship or a related to sort of relationship?

Unreliability, rumor-mongering, and trust-breaking.

Unreliability takes a long time. It can take years for me to realize that this person is never going to be where he or she says she or he will be, or do what was promised. It’s a slow deal breaker, where I gradually give up calling, stop setting dates. Recognize it will never change. These relationships stay pleasant but become less and less important.

Rumor-mongering — especially in combination with eavesdropping — is a killer. Once is enough. People who talk behind my back are not my friends. Actually, they aren’t anybody’s friend.

Trust breaking is a business thing. Like dealing with a company for a long time, then realizing they are gradually losing the qualities that made you work with them in the first place. Deliveries are late or don’t arrive. Contracts are, if not ignored, then dealt with sloppily. It is another version of unreliability but in the business arena. Ultimately, it means you won’t use their services. It may take a while before you replace them, but it will happen. You can’t continually disappoint customers without payback. Heads up businesses. It can happen to you, too.

The old 14Z in its youth …

My current best example is Dell. I bought their computers for years because you knew you’d get a good product. Originally, you also got good service. First, the service departed without leaving a note behind. Next, the quality of the product weakened … but not the prices or service contracts. Now, they are a shadow of Microsoft and I expect they will vanish in a few years. What a pity!

Is there something out there, a thought, an idea, a current event, or a fear that you find deeply unsettling?

Yeah, like realizing our home planet is being destroyed by idiots.

And for something more whimsical, if you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

Caught raiding a pharmacy for asthma medication. No jury would convict me.

What were you grateful for this week?  Something that brought some joy into your world? 

Yesterday this was a mere bud!

Birds, bird feeders, cameras, and flowering Christmas Cactus.

Categories: #Birds, #Flowers, #Photography, Humor, Personal, Share My World

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15 replies

  1. I bought my first Dell computer a little over a year ago. It’s the one I use now. Honestly it is the slowest machine I have ever had. I hope everyday that it will last until I have the funds to replace it. And then I will go back to Wal Mart, like I did in the past and buy the most economical model on the shelf. So far, that was my best one.


  2. the should be “couldn’t”


  3. I could deal with anything today, I’m suffering from “traffic” shock.


  4. Have to agree with you on all points!


  5. Oh the beautiful photos…and that cheeky woodpecker. Fat little fellow… Thanks Marilyn for Sharing Your World with us…in spite of the headache, the pharmacy runs and well, LIFE interfering with your effort. Cheers and Happy Hanukkah (well from Sunday anyway…)


  6. Then, there are the takers, the emotional Vampires that always have a problem that lands on your shoulders and needs your entire attention. The answer is to shrug your shoulders……and they’re gone.


  7. With you on the top 3 deal breakers for sure!! and the birds of course 🙂


  8. Shared a good bit about yourself. I agree that reliability and trustworthiness is something if not present in a relationship then it’s better to say goodbye.

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