Fandango’s Provocative Question #73

It’s time for a little creative thinking. Here’s the setup from Fandango:

You’ve heard of extra sensory perception, right? You know, ESP. There are three forms of ESP.

  1. Telepathy — the transfer of information from one person to another without the use of sensory communication.
  2. Clairvoyance — the acquisition of information about places, people, or events without the use of normal sensory contact.
  3. Precognition — the acquisition of information about a future event that could not be anticipated through any known processes of inference.

So my question to you this week is:

Having had several significant run-ins with things that aren’t supposed to happen, none of which are described in Fandango’s lead up. Because there’s also voices you hear that are from “somewhere else” — not someone else living in your head but messages from … where? 

Twice I was dying. The first time, I was offered the option of dying or continuing to live, even though living would be hard and painful. The second time, I was told that I was going to live, even though no one thought I could since I’d been dying for days with all the appropriate symptoms: massive sepsis, fever, and multiple surgeries all of which were supposed to repair me, but didn’t. But having been told I would live, the next morning, I was fine. Fever and infection gone and I went home that  same day.

That doesn’t happen. It really doesn’t. I have never been sure what to make of both of these incidents and a number of others which probably fall into the “precognition” grouping. I knew, for example, when my first husband died, even though I was 300 miles away. I just knew. And check around. Many people who are not religious in any way have had such experiences.

I woke up one morning knowing that a helicopter had exploded and there had been a crash in New Hampshire. About an hour later, the phone rang and Garry was on the case. How did I hear that news and more to the point, why? I didn’t know the pilot, the helicopter, or anything about it at all. For some obscure reason, the story came to me. The knowledge that someone I had loved had died made some kind of sense. There was a connection there and it happens to a lot of people.

But both of those visions gave me a life I was sure was ending. These were not dreams. Dreams float away when morning breaks. These are as alive and as sharp today as they were when they happened.

What — if anything — does this have to do with religion? I do not know. I’m not sure it has anything to do with an “official” dogma.

As to the picking up of subtle signals? Absolutely. It’s why, when I “read” for someone, I preferred to do the original assessment and reading without having met the individual. I didn’t want to be influenced by what I saw or felt. I also quit reading for people. I kept finding out stuff I didn’t want (or need) to know.

I think we are all intuitive. Some of us are more open to knowledge that isn’t written or broadcast? Dogs and cats are intuitive with their owners and each other. Why would we not be? Before there were words, I’m sure we knew about each other. I suspect that creating words was how we lost a lot of the intuition with which we were born.

Non-verbal creatures communicate surprisingly well. Watch them with each other. Put out birdseed and watch one bird make a single tweet that will tell every other feathered pal in the woods to come and get it. Ditto squirrels, flying and otherwise. They just know. .

Sometimes, I know, too.  I don’t know why or how, but I happens.

Finally, the morning of 9/11, one of my bosses had booked a flight out of Kennedy to LA. About an hour before he was due to go to the airport, he got a funny mental itch. He said: “I think I’m not getting on that plane. I’ll travel tomorrow maybe,” He canceled the flight and went on living because that was one of the two planes that hit the towers.

You are welcome to be as dismissive as you like, but stuff happens and you don’t always know why. You can’t box things up according to a predetermined set of rules. There are times when you gotta go with the flow, wherever it takes you.

Categories: #FPQ, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Marilyn Armstrong, Provocative Questions

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11 replies

  1. Maybe I’m just obtuse, but I don’t ever remember any of the experiences you described ever happening to me. But then again, I’ve never found myself on death’s doorstep, either.


  2. You have to believe there’s something to it…


  3. I agree Marilyn, these are lots of unexplained things that happen. One day we may know why but we should not dismiss them as not probable


  4. Yeah, it has happened to us all, or at least those of use receptive…
    Do you remember the ESP studies at Duke by Dr. Rhine? (Perhaps “doctors” Rhine, since husband and wife worked on them.) I read a book by the Rhines that was anecdotal stories about different types of ESP. They prefaced the book saying that no matter how well documented, anecdotal studies held no proof, yet was need to show what their laboratory findings meant in real life and not the artificial settings they did them in. It was very interesting what they found and how well documented some of them were.
    Anyway, I understand 100% the science side – there has to be some media for information to travel. What is the media? Nothing known exists. And once held up to scrutiny, most of the lab experiments didn’t come up with hard enough evidence (according to most scientists that reviewed them).
    Still, there are things out there that can’t be explained…


    • And this stuff happens. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in it or not. I still haven’t entirely figured out what to do with it except admit it happened and move on. It’s interesting watching dogs talk silently to each other, too. One dog goes to another. Stands there. A moments later, the next one gets up and the two of them go somewhere to do something. There’s communication but how? Maybe it doesn’t matter.

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