DUSK AS DAY ENDS – Marilyn Armstrong

A Photo a Week Challenge: Dusk

People have often asked what the difference is betweeen sunrise and sunset, between dawn and dusk. Really, in practical terms, the difference is which part of the sky is involved. East is sunrise, west is sunset. But they feel different. For whatever reason, I always know which are which, maybe because i remember when the pictures were taken. These are all dusk or sunsets, taken in Arizona, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and New York.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Sunset

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25 replies

  1. Beautiful photos, Marilyn, as always! Here’s a MoTab video of “Amazing Grace”. I noticed you mentioned that song to Melanie above. 🙂


    • I would have gotten back sooner, but I had to watch the singing. Garry’s brother is the Choral Director at St. Olaf, so I am very fond of choral music. We both are. It was GREAT and so was the beautiful state of Utah!


  2. Glorious sunsets, magnificent photos, Marilyn. Same here, I think we remember because every photo remains in our memories forever.


  3. Amazing photography! I hope you take some time today (especially) to look at your amazing photos and to be comforted. I know you’re not a religious sort, and I’m not going to mouth platitudes at you, but I am going to share one of my favorite hymns, which speaks of dusk.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. I love that song. It’s one of the first pieces I learned to play on the piano and sing in a choir. I have a great love for hymns. Especially Christmas Carols, but even plainsong. When I was a music major, for a while, my mother was sure I had been converted, but when you study music, the vast majority of the music you learn, from plainsong to all sorts of classical music … it was all religious music. And I sang Alto in Handel’s Messiah.

      So, in other words, thank you. Now I think I need a good version of Amazing Grace. Maybe the one by Judy Collins, acappella with her and her crew, no musicians in a church. In fact, that was the song to which we were married, singer and a bagpipe 😀


  4. No wonder we worship the sun. What a magnificent event both rise and setting of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. They are all beautiful. It’s a glorious time of day. Of course so is sunrise but a lot of us don’t always see that!


    • I can’t see it, except in winter before the leaves on on the trees. After that, too many trees, not enough sky! So most of those pictures were taken somewhere else.


      • I can just see the sun setting over the sea from our deck but it’s just a tiny glimpse through the trees. Impossible to photograph. Luckily it’s five minutes walk to the beach.


        • We can get beautiful views of the setting sun along the rivers. Even from up the road since the road point almost directly west. But from our house? There isn’t a single open area that isn’t blocked by trees.


  6. Marilyn, this is a stunning collection of photos. I love them all. I know what you mean though, dusk feels very different to dawn. I’ve always loved the dappled golden evening sunlight that you see in woodland – it’s quite magical. You’ve captured the ‘dusk’ theme incredibly well.


    • Those golden ones are from our woods. In winter, before the leaves. The next time I’ll be able to take those pictures is November — maybe. It’s the one thing I miss living in the woods. Sky!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I can understand that, but I reckon I could cope with that if I lived in a woodland. 😉


        • Living where we live IS beautiful. Sometimes so beautiful it makes me catch my breath and that’s just driving up and down my own street. Some places in the valley are truly awesome. But it’s far from anything like shopping and we really have to shop on line because we simply don’t have many stores. We don’t have a movie house and we have two bars: one at each end of town. There aren’t a lot of people we can relate to. There were, but they died. They’ve never known a black man or a Jewish woman before and they say so. It can be a little bit lonely.

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  7. Beautiful collection of images Marilyn


    • With all the ash from fires and the Sahara in the air, it’s going to be a big year for sunrise and sunset pictures. After Chernobyl, in Israel we had months of deep red sunsets and tried not to think about WHY.

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  8. Fantastic images.
