We have colds.  COVID-SARS 19 was Not Detected. We’re good – until the next cold!

Happy COVID Virus – Note: Since this is my personal artwork, if for some perverse reason you want to use the drawing, please feel free to adopt it for any purpose in your blogger basket.

I looked at our medical records and realized this is the fourth time we’ve been tested for COVID. About every third month we get “something” and get tested. Once everyone knows you don’t have IT, you get zero sympathy. It’s just a cold.

The test has changed. No more things stuck up your nose. All you have do is spit. Garry did pretty well, but I take a bunch of medications that dry my mouth — and I forgot to bring something to drink. Garry thought my inability to spit was hilarious. I was not nearly as amused but the result is fine and I think I’m not going to die. We got  our results in fewer than 12 hours. We didn’t have any wait in line, either and didn’t have to get out of our car. I think the people who came after us had maybe a half hour wait, but they were moving cars through pretty fast.

We had to stop at the pharmacy on the way home. There was a big sign on the desk which said: “NO WE DO NOT HAVE THE VACCINE!” I knew that. We are so terrible at distributing the vaccine, practically no one has gotten it.

We passed. Meanwhile, my nose is stuffy, my sinuses hurt, and I’m just a wee bit wheezy. Welcome to winter in New England and please pass the tissues.

Categories: #News, UPDATE!

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33 replies

  1. It was good to get our COVID results so quickly. Just a matter of hours. We tested negative.. When Marilyn informed me of the good news, I smiled weakly. My bloody head cold was nastier than ever, beating my head like an old drum. Well, my head looks like an old drum so fair’s fair, right?

    I hear Clarabell the clown’s people are seeking litigation against Marilyn because of her COVID clown illustration. They are claiming character defamation. I hope Rudy Rudy Guilliani will Clarabell’s lead attorney.

    All rise!


  2. I am very happy to know you don’t have covid, Marilyn. Stay safe.

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  3. Take care you two.

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    • Leslie, thank you. YOU…stay well.

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    • Thanks! I think this is the latest we’ve gotten our annual winter cold. It must be never going out and wearing a mask. This is the beginning which is always the worst part. In a few days it’ll just be annoying. Right now, it’s slightly more than merely annoying but as the day marches on, it will feel better. I’m really glad we passed The Test! And I’m also glad they turned the results around so fast so we didn’t have to wait a week for results. I didn’t think we were “that sick,” but the doctor — after his mother got sick — is being VERY cautious, especially with older patients. I can hardly fault him for doing the right thing.

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  4. Sorry about your colds, but happy about your COVID-19 test results.

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    • thank you — and me too, Garry three. Garry had just had a momentary thought that we’d gotten all the way to January and no one was sick, so it’s all HIS fault! I told him — he isn’t even allowed to THINK it. He says that’s a bit to manage, but even thinking it is a jinx!

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  5. Glad you’re both negative!

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    • Becky, I guess negative is positive in our world right now.

      Becky, have a good weekend. Stay safe and sane.


      • It’s weird isn’t when being negative is positive. Hope you’re both having a safe and sane weekend too…..guess you’re counting the days now to the new beginning of your country’s journey


  6. Glad that you don’t have it. Hope the colds go away soon.


    • There has never been a contagious virus or bacteria that one of us got that the other did not also get. Often we spin these around for weeks. But, better than COVID.

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    • Tas, my NASTY head cold has been persistently NASTY for over a week. I know it’s just a head cold but – Geez. The upside, Tas, is I no longer have to worry about calling work when they never cared. They used to say, “The only acceptable excuse is death. Send in a coroner’s form”.


      • Many employers had that attitude towards sickness and I know that when I was working female staff especially would struggle in to work because “I didn’t want to let the team down.” Really employers should understand that having people with colds and flu forced to come to work will just mean everyone else will get it. Paid sick leave would allow people to stay home and recover and not spread their germs. Maybe covid will teach them that.

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    • Tas, it’s all MY fault!

      Not only did I THINK it, but I actually SAID it — just over a week ago. Okay, what did I say?

      “…Y’know, Marilyn—given all the bad stuff happening, it occurs to me we haven’t had our annual winter head colds. That’s GOOD news, right?” I should’ve been hit by a bolt of lightning.
      Instantly, I knew my crime. You NEVER, ever declare anything about the absence of dreaded cold colds. NEVER. The Gods are always listening.

      I apologize to the Gods, To Marilyn and to our furry kid, Duke, who I blame for everything.

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      • Murphy’s Law was certainly in operation there. Naomi and I have not had head colds for more than a year but the other week she got caught in a downpour walking her dogs and although she changed as soon as she got home she got a cold. She did the right things, washing her hands, coughing and sneezing into a tissue or her elbow etc but I still got it. I stayed home from my volunteer job at the Visitor Centre, not because I felt awful but to limit the spread. When I went back last week the staff member in charge said . “Very sensible, we would have sent you home anyway.”


  7. Marilyn, you are a lady of hidden talents, maybe the virus is the hors d’ouvre moment, forgive my french, but the Nation is in confusion, and when folks feel vulnerable, every sort of false prophet seems to appear, with all the answers; tip for the future, drink good wine and sit in front of the bird box, the birds thankfully act like birds, all the time, unlike the human type, how confusing?..

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think I need a lot of sleep. I’ll try to make more sense of this tomorrow. Right now, I need to be warm and horizontal 😀

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    • bwcarey, your French is forgiven. Our confused nation is NOT forgiven. We’ve had ample time to see, absorb and assess what the past four years have wrought. Surely, there must be saner minds among those who are Republicans. 45 cannot represent the Republican ideologies. The saner minds and better angels in the red states need to see how fragile our country is right now. It’s time to put aside the self-serving bombasts and focus on saving our national family.
      These past four years and, certainly, the last 2 weeks have been like a marathon holiday dinner with the family. Pass the eggnog, please. The “good” eggnog, bwcarey.

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      • Garry, the times are changed, I believe that those in positions of authority are going to get daily reminders of their schemes, thanks to the internet, stay healthy, and drink the best wine you can afford, amen

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