Fandango’s Provocative Question #109

From Fandango comes this question with which I’ve been wrestling for some months and to which I really don’t have answers. Just more questions.

“I don’t know about you, but I typically spend about four to seven (occasionally even more) hours a day on my blog, either writing, proofreading, editing, and publishing my own posts or reading and commenting on the posts written by other bloggers.That is a fairly significant chunk of my waking hours and I have found myself wondering if I’m unusual in that regard. I also wonder what I would do with those hours if I didn’t spend them on my blog.”

I know that I feel — for the first time in nearly a decade — pressured by blogging. It’s not that I want to quit because I don’t. I just don’t want to spend as much time doing this as I have been for the past ten years. I don’t need a break nearly as much as I need to find a way to keep doing what I’m doing without feeling stressed about it.

How much time I spend depends — these days — on what else I need to do. I always wind up spending at least two or three hours writing or processing pictures. Usually both. That would be writing one post and putting together one or two more photographic posts. I try to get at least the bones of the next one set up. Usually, I try to post three things: one original writing of some kind and two photographic pieces. Sometimes they get mixed up together.

I used to spend all day on the computer. Literally from when I first opened my eyes until I fell into bed. From first cup of coffee to a couple of hours after Garry had gone to watch old movies in the bedroom. This is my own choice. I could stop, but in the final analysis, I don’t want to stop. I want to keep doing what I do, but I want to do less. I love everyone, but I don’t want to read other people’s blogs all day. I want to read a book. I want to read the New York Times and the Washington Post. I want to have a conversation with somebody. Some days, the dog looks like a perfectly fine choice for that.

I also want to post pictures which for me means processing which takes longer than writing. I can knock off a pretty good piece of writing in about an hour and that includes all the typing, proofreading, rediscovering the mistakes I missed during the first and second proofreading efforts. Even so, I’m a fast writer. Just a slow editor and hopelessly bad proofreader of my own material.

I’m not bad on other people’s stuff, but mine? I read what I expect to read and not what’s really there. If I’m working on a piece that Garry or Rich wrote, I don’t have that problem, so I’m much more likely to find most of the typos and other errors.

What would I do with the extra time?

I could clean the house, or at least some of it. I could read more and during the day, instead of at night when every fifteen minutes I fall asleep. I could watch a whole movie and not be writing or posting at the same time. I could play games online. I doubt I’ll give up blogging completely. I just want to do it less. I want some hours left over that I can use any way I feel like using it.

I will have to find a balance — never one of my strong points. I expect it’ll work itself out, one way or another.

Categories: #Blogging, #FPQ, #Photography, Daily Prompt, Provocative Questions

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13 replies

  1. Some great points here Marilyn
    I spend more time reading other people’s blogs than I do on my own.
    Blogging is hard work! My mind is always on my next post

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Finding a balance between the real world and the blogosphere has been a challenge for me since I retired at the end of 2016. I seem to enjoy…and spend more time…interacting in cyberspace these days than I do in the physical world. Less stress and nicer people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me too, but I need to do some other things, especially because a lot of life has been neglected for a pretty long time. Writing is important to me, but so is reading. Reading is what puts new ideas in my head and how I learn new stuff.

      I’ve written a huge amount of material over the past 9 years. A lot of it isn’t great stuff, but some of it is pretty good. I think it’s possible I’m a bit mentally fried. I have lost the compulsion that pushed me for 9-years. I suspect everyone needs a break sometimes. It’s not that I can’t write. It’s that I can get through a whole day and not even realize I haven’t written anything.

      So I need to back of for a while, get my mojo back or whatever you want to call it. This past year has taken a lot out of me and it’s not over yet. Hopefully soon.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I would write more if I could find the time. Even working from home I can’t seem to find enough extra time. It’s still 8 and 1/2 hours, with time out for lunch, given up to something else. This is the last year of work if the airline can hang on until things turn around. Next year will provide more time, God willing.


    • I need a mental breather. I have been relentlessly working on this and mostly these days, I feel more like reading than writing. I think I need more input so I can find output. Reading blogs doesn’t feed my brain the way books do.

      Regardless, I don’t think I could stop writing even if I wanted to. I’ve always needed to write, even before I knew what to say. That hasn’t changed and probably won’t.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. maybe just move to a once a week post, and read others for a finite time each day, maybe an hour. other than that, spend your time doing other things that you enjoy. otherwise you will come to resent it as another job, and not a pleasure

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t even want to think about how much time I spend on my blog/social media (I am not a blogger as such). I know if I didn’t do it, I would have more time to get on with my ‘real’ writing. There is so much pressure to keep up with online publshing/promotion because of these b****y algorithms that dictate that if you drop the ball, you lose it. I think publishers need to rethnk their policy of only taking on authors who have already built up a readership, since I believe it compromises their creativity, productivity and mental health. On the plus side, though, i have made some meaningul friendships on a couple of FB groups, which is GREAT for my mental health 🙂


    • I love the friends I have made. Yes, you do take a beating on stats when you post less. Not as bad as I feared, but it’s a big hit. At some point, you have to stop caring about it.

      I don’t know why publishers are so unhelpful to their authors these days. They complain all the time about not having enough business, but they treat authors really badly and force them to do all the things that they publisher used to do. If they won’t help you with proofreading or publicizing, what are they really good for? Businesses cut their own throats and then blame everyone else.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That just leaves distribution then LOL


        • So much of what they are supposed to do, for which they take MOST of the royalties they no longer do. Basically, physical publication is what they do. They don’t even do the distribution anymore. I know several very successful authors who are barely surviving even though they’ve have bestsellers. The amount of money they get is pathetic. Unless you make a big sale to a movie producer — and not all books are made for movies — it’s good to keep a day job.
