Reason to Believe

In Reason to Believe, Bruce Springsteen sings, “At the end of every hard-earned day / people find some reason to believe.” What is your reason to believe?

Believe in what? God? Fate? Myself? The wheel of Karma? The repetitions of history?

All of us believe in many things. If we look at our beliefs individually, many are contradictory, a form of doublethink. Humans have an amazing capacity to accept paradox. In this arena, superstitious atheists can contend with traditionally religious physicists for the top spot in the race for cognitive dissonance.

UU Church 44

I the end, I’m reasonably sure I believe in something but I don’t know what. Nor do I believe in the same thing every day or every hour. I can passionately endorse multiple paradoxical concepts simultaneously without it ruffling my psychic feathers.

I don’t know if the something in which I sometimes believe is sentient, tied to the magic of the Earth — or is the Earth. (Note: If it’s the Earth, whatever powers it has or represents, I bet it’s pissed to a fare-thee-well.)

Why do I believe at all?

Call me lazy. It’s much simpler to believe in something — a deity, a high power, magic, whatever — than to ascribe everything to random chance. When good things happen, I don’t know which makes me feel sillier — thanking a God in whom I believe on alternate Thursdays or expressing gratitude to “fate” which is the same thing by another name.

I follow the course of least resistance. I would like to believe, as do my dogs, that whatever is wrong, a yummy treat will make it all better. Maybe I believe science is magic and the only reason it works is because we believe it will and if we lose faith, everything will stop.

Thank you, Robert Heinlein.

Categories: Humor, Myths and Fables, Nature, Religion, Sci Fi - Fantasy - Time Travel, Technology, You can't make this stuff up

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33 replies

  1. I loved the part where you said that whenever something good is happening to you you don’t know who to thank…God or fatae 🙂 I feel the same at times. What I do think it’s important is to have something to believe in. Like Bon Jovi said it: “Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in Santa Clause. Believe in others. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. If you don’t, who will?”


  2. As Bob Marley said “I believe if I had education I would be a damn fool.” I don’t know whether I believe him though 😉


    • I find belief difficult. I’ve never been a “leap of faith” kind of gal. The older I get, the less inclined to leaping I am. I had more faith, hope, optimism, and all that jazz before the years turned me tres cynical 🙂


      • I had faith, but never in leaps and bounds; more of a tacit self belief in a shadow of the insecurities of a poor upbringing. As far as faith in other people and mankind on the whole, I’d describe my brand of cynicism (which I developed way too early) as compassionate misanthropy. I just despair at the weakness of the majority, but still have a glimmer of hope… I blame all those fairytales I read as a kid 😉


        • I’m pretty rock bottom cynical at this point. I think time has eaten most of my optimism, not to mention belief in PEOPLE. Doing the right thing doesn’t seem to be part of the modern playbook.


  3. You said this perfectly! Side-note to self, get back to reading Heinlein.


  4. Have you ever heard of Paschal’s wager? Not too unlike your faith. It has its merits. It’s hard to think that there is nothing out there.


    • I’ve heard this used as an argument by Christians pointing out I might as well sign up because what do I have to lose? I’m sticking to “I don’t know.” I probably will never know. It’s equally hard for me to believe in nothing and something. So I admit I don’t know and leave it at that.


      • Marilyn, no one knows for sure. That is why is based upon faith.
        My husband, who is a physicist, has problems with this because, as a scientist, everything must pass the scientific method. Religion can never pass the scientific method. Yet he believes.


        • I believe in something, but I don’t know what. I don’t believe in any organized religion or dogma. I’m not a Christian. I might be some kind of a Jew or Buddhist. Hard to tell sometimes (the two faiths aren’t all that different at the bottom line). After that, it gets hazy.


          • There are problems with organized religions. They all have their fanatics and draw backs. A lot of terrible things have been done in the name of religion. You have to take what gives you the most respite and comfort. We don’t need to split hairs or know how many angels are dancing on the head of pin. I’m very leery of someone who has all the answers. (Who has been whispering his ear?)


  5. I like the bit about your psychic feathers being ruffled. And I like dogs too. In fact I think I’ll go and lie on the sofa right now.


  6. I believe that heaven doesn’t wait for only those who congregate. At least, that is what Don Williams says.


  7. Yes, I believe in dogs. Everything else is so up in the air right now. Loved this post, dear friend.


  8. Time for Frankie Laine..and an encore performance.


    • We believe in song lyrics and great lines from movies and books. And dogs.


      • Me too! I miss having my kidlings about because we’d have entire conversations made up such things (minus the dogs who chose not to participate). My husband, bless his heart, just doesn’t understand when I speak in quotes.He simply stares at me with a puzzled look on his face until I explain the context. It takes all the fun out of it. Maybe in time, maybe in time…



  1. Daily Prompt: Reason to Believe – or not to believe, that is the question | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  2. Reason to Believe | My Atheist Blog
  3. Every Picture Tells a Story | I'm a Writer, Yes I Am
  4. Reason to Believe | PujaMohan
  5. DAILY PROMPT: Reason to Believe | Nola Roots, Texas Heart