Garry and I are rarely separated these days. Such times are for only one of two reasons: Garry has gone to visit one of his brothers, or I’m sick and in the hospital. I’m not sick or in the hospital so … yup, Garry’s in New York, visiting his brother Bill.


It was a lovely day. The first really nice day in more than two weeks. Pretty warm,  sunny, sweet. I could open the windows. Step out. Take a few pictures of my woods beginning to bloom.

72-tractor-Japanese maple_027

So, here I am alone … Well, sort of alone. Just 3 dogs, 7 cameras, two televisions, two computers, two Kindles … and me, representing the human race.


I am greatly outnumbered by creatures and devices. I hope they don’t decide to gang up on me.

Categories: #Photography, Humor, Spring

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23 replies

  1. It’s hard to be alone when you’re used to being together. Where in NY?


  2. Since I use the Reader to catch up on posts, I end up reading everything in reverse order… so the comments on Garry’s post about a trip didn’t make any sense to me until I read this one. Such is the way it goes for me, though… I always miss out on something and then have to recreate just what happened…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Watch your back….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The way you miss Garry, you should have gone with him to New York but then I guess it is not that easy to leave dogs and house unattended. Watch your favourite movies or indulge in spa 😉😀 enjoy being alone

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It sounds like you’ve been watching too many TV shows….lol rise against the machines
