
If you’ve been following the world of politics lately it might seem as though we are living in some sort of alternate universe. It is starting to look like the inmates are taking over the asylum. On both sides of the pond, things have gotten a little crazy. First the UK shocked the world by deciding to leave the EU back in June. To be honest, even the politicians who were campaigning to leave seemed surprised by the outcome. The result of the Brexit referendum showed that the leave side received 52.5% of the overall vote, whereas the remain side only managed to acquire 47.5%.

Usually when a party secures the result they set out to achieve, celebrations follow. Not in this case. This time, they all began to disappear from both sides. First David Cameron resigned. Then as if reeling from the shock of a surprise victory, Boris Johnson decided not to run for Prime Minister after all. Nigel Farage stood down claiming he wanted his life back.

Now I’m sure there were a number of people who wanted their country back or just to go back in time to before the election, but thanks to Nigel and friends this was’t possible.

The Austrian actor Christoph Waltz put it best saying, “of course, the head rat would leave the sinking ship.” No one seems to know what’s next for Britain in the wake of this result. They can’t just leave the EU overnight. It’s much more complex than that.

There is also the worry that other countries will follow suit. There is a lot of uncertainty in the air as the new Prime Minister tries to wade through unchartered water. It will take a number of years for this messy divorce to be resolved, but you can bet the children — the younger generation — will be the ones to suffer the consequences of this decision. A decision that was largely made by older people who have considerably less to lose.

Please read the rest of this excellent article on WORD OF THE DAYA Political Circus

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6 replies

  1. A circus it is!


  2. Brexit was the worst unanimous decision that the people of Britain could ever make.
