When I was a kid, I had a book. It was published by Disney and this was a long time before Disney became the big name it is today. It was called “Seasons” — or something like that. What was impressive were the drawings.

Each chapter (a couple of pages, large print) was a drawing with a short description of the month. Clearly, the drawings were from somewhere in this area — obviously New England or someplace similar.

I always remember November. It showed an almost empty field. Trees, standing naked except for clinging brown leaves … and wind. A couple of “people” (Disney anti-humans) holding their coats closed and heading into the wind.

No picture I’ve ever seen of November has so well captured that grey, chilly mood of this month. It is that kind of day.

Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, woodland, Woods

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27 replies

  1. I love bare trees. Your B&W works well with this subject and your title.


  2. I gotta tell ya. After a couple of fake winters we’re getting a real one so far. I’ve been shoveling a lot of snow. We can only hope for a few chinooks for a break now and then. Guess we got spoiled a bit.


    • I’m just glad it’s not snowing yet. But we don’t usually get the heavy stuff until January, with February the heaviest of them all. One year, we got NO snow through January 27 — THEN we got 12 feet of snow in four weeks. You really never know around here. Winters have been very erratic in recent years, but we haven’t had a snowless winter in a long time. Not in the valley. Boston gets snowless winters from time to time, but here? Not that anyone can remember. It’s just a matter of when the arctic air starts to curve down through Montreal … ye olde polar express. I’m sorry you got it so early in the winter. But maybe it will end early too.


  3. here too- overcast gray and cold, now raining, thankfully not cold enough for snow!


  4. This November has been unique for us. We had bright sunny weather, chilly but really gorgeous followed by skiffs of snow for several days, then sideways torrential downpours followed by 90 k winds. The last week has been beautiful sun and blue skies every morning, followed by grey rainy cold weather. In Hardy it was simply gray and varying degrees of rain from misting to the kind you see in horror movies that pours down the windows in rivers. I don’t miss that for sure. Today, it’s 12:05 and the sun is shining brightly with not a hint of rain. No telling what the late afternoon evening and night will bright. We had thunder and lightening a couple of days back.


    • That’s what we had — last year. This year, it’s the old grey month — and it started to rain again about an hour ago. We’ve had the whole batch of rain from “the sky opened and we’re washing away” to the bone-chilling drizzle. We’re doing drizzle right now. At least it isn’t snow.


      • Thank god for small mercies. lol when we get snow, we’re getting SNOW. They expect 2 feet more than last year and it was a lot!


        • Last year was relatively light here — like 8 feet rather than 12. But that 4 feet is a HUGE difference.


          • OMG yes. We don’t get that kind of snow here it was about 2 or 3 feet at most. I grew up in the Okanagan Valley, 120 degrees in the shade in summer, but 4 5 feet of snow in the winter. Moving here has afforded “seasons” which are missing up north. It was simply different dimensions of “rain” lol. I’m still in love with the idea, plus I don’t have to shovel snow, lol so I get to enjoy without the work, lol yay me! I don’t imagine it’s the same for you.


            • When we moved here, it was an average of about 9 or 10 feet, but it went up to 13 feet for a couple of years. Last year, it was more normal. I have no idea what it’s going to be this year. Anything less than 10 feet I can live with, but when it goes higher than that, it gets really difficult, with people up on the roof shoveling and gigantic piles of ice and snow that take until May to disappear. I can really live without that.


              • I imagine so. I can’t imagine nor fathom that much snow, outside of the mountains. Just wow!


                • It wasn’t that bad when we moved here. The weather has gotten significantly worse over the past five years. Dryer in the warm weather, snowier in the winter. Lots more ice. Really bitterly cold, too with temps below zero. There really IS a climate change going on and it isn’t always warmer. It’s also dryer or wetter and the summers have been cooler, too.


                • I have noticed it too. It may have to do with years of watching, but it’s obvious to me too.


  5. Not to sound competitive but here in the NorthWEST, I think we might currently win a gloom contest. It’s been so dark here for several days, my outdoor, motion sensor light has been clicking on all day long. It is supposed to only work at NIGHT!

    Shouldn’t be long though and we will be complaining about snow-blindness! (Winky face here)


  6. It’s dreary and grey here too, Marilyn.


  7. November is a strange month, tucked toward the end of fall but still far from winter. In most regions, it is associated with bare trees, rain, and even first frost and snow. But perhaps because I was a November baby I still love this month, filled with events I love, such as Thanksgiving, the arrival of the new French wine Beaujolais Nouveau and some French literary events too. So, even when I lived in New England I tried to see beauty in this naked, rough nature. And there is always the baking, hot teas and soups that go so well with November. Stay warm and dry. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Gary!


    • Last year, November was beautiful, but this year, it has been grey day after grey day with periodic rain. To be fair, this is very typical weather for November. Last year, we got lucky. I don’t mind it. As long as we aren’t hip deep in snow, I can cope with the rest of it. It has been chilly, but not winter-cold, just cold at night and jacket weather by day. And, to repeat myself — it ISN’T snowing 😀


  8. I don’t miss November’s in New England.


  9. Here too, grey in grey, although this afternoon a little bit of blue and red. Someone must have found their paintbox.

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