Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – January 12, 2018

It’s fully winter in these parts. The ways are covered in snow and ice and today, with the falling rain, mostly covered in slush and mud. Slush and mud don’t make beautiful pictures … so …

Driving through Whitinsville in winter

Local roads

Downtown Northbridge

Out near Amherst

Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, New England, snow, Winter

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18 replies

  1. Lovely small towns and winter country scenes. They look very much like the ones here.
    I guess we’re your country cousin.


  2. I wish they kept our roads that clear. Since the privatized here, it has been a disaster. Many people have died because of it. Of course, there is always an excuse for not having it done. Or they just tell you to stay off the roads. People have to work. We can’t just stay off the roads so they can save money by not doing their job!


  3. Very cool (and cold) which ways for this week.


  4. I have learned to appreciate how good the snow removal is where I live compared to places where they like to pretend snow and ice are as rare as a unicorn. I drove home from Norman, Oklahoma after a really bad early March winter storm four years ago, and the difference in the condition of the interstate was night and day the moment I crossed into Missouri from the Sooner State.

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    • Isn’t it amazing? And they all use the same equipment. After here, from New York (even maybe New Jersey) up through Maine, they KNOW how to get the stuff off the roads. The further north you go, the cleaner the roads are, too. But the time you get halfway into New Hampshire, you’d never be able to tell it snowed at all, though in Maine, they leave a lot of back and side road not-very-cleared. There’s a theory of there that when you live in a place where 12 feet of snow is standard, you own a 4-wheel-drive vehicle. They are probably right.

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      • When we travelled with Presidential motorcades, it was MIRACULOUS how quickly road conditions changed. BIGLY amazing.

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  5. The snow does manage to loose its whiteness quickly- and the mud here i s all frozen now with single digit temps again!

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    • I’m actually grateful that the mud is frozen because otherwise, the dogs would be hip deep in it and so would be our house. This way, before it gets all the way back to “oozing,” it will dry out. Maybe a lot. As much as I don’t like lots of snow, oozing mud really gets me!

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  6. If the local administrators cleared the roads, then they did a good job of it.


    • They are pretty good. They have to be. We get a LOT of snow. When they don’t clear the roads, they turn to ice and then there are a lot of accidents and people get really mad. So they clean, then they clean again. On a heavy snow night, you can hear the plows coming and going up and down the roads all night. The also take down mail boxes, trash cans, occasional trees and not a few pieces of other cars.

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