First, catch your fish… #writephoto

The perils of fishy friends!

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

I can’t remember when I last felt so tired. The past couple of weeks have been hectic… in the best possible way… what with the workshop, reconnecting with old friends while they are in the country and all the usual stuff that makes up a busy day. I have a lot to write about, but tonight my brain is as seized up as the rest of me. An early night is in order… so, instead of delving deep into symbolism and spirituality, or even sharing some of the places I have been lately… I thought I would write about fish.

This is not as random as it might sound. A few weeks ago I wrote about a hitch-hiking loach and a wish for a better aquarium to replace the much-loved but antique set-up occupying the corner of my living room.  The tank was a good size, but dark, falling apart…

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2 replies

  1. First I had to find you reblog button. Shifty little thing!


  2. Thanks, Marilyn 🙂
