FLOWER OF THE DAY – Marilyn Armstrong

Lacking garden flowers which are seriously considering budding any day now, Garry brought me the brightest flowers he could find.

You guessed it.


Flower of the Day – May 6, 2018 – Azalea

Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Home

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5 replies

  1. Now that is some sunflower, well done Gary

    Liked by 1 person

    • And they are VERY bright 🙂 We did need some color while we hope the flowers outside really will bloom. Late, but bloom. But our lilac is also showing no signs of budding, either. Usually there would be something happening. Sunflowers. At least they are so bright.


  2. Sweet. I love how supportive you two are of each other. The sunflower center looks like a big eye, doesn’t it? Will you get any edible sunflower seeds out of it?
