Flowers of My Day – The Big Basket of Begonias

Lacking fuchsias, this summer’s deck flowers are a ruffled hanging geranium and its elegant companion, a rich pink begonia.

Not quite a real macro, though using a macro lens

Both plants would probably be happier — or perhaps more enthusiastic — if they had more direct sun. Nonetheless, they seem to have settled for dappled sun and a hefty dose of water.

More macros

Unlike my indoor plants which have to beg me for a drink, the outdoor hanging plants get watered daily when the weather is warm and sunny. They are watered every second day if it’s cool and cloudy and of course not at all when it is raining.

The hardest part of shooting these was getting an angle where the sun wasn’t burning out the color on half the plant. It would be easier if I had a longer reach and could shoot downward.

Both of the hanging plants are doing surprisingly well. Lots of deadheads to clear away. Those are difficult for me to reach. It isn’t arthritis. I’m just so awfully short.

We are having a heat spell right now and the intensity of the sun makes the flowers appear to glow from within.

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Macro

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15 replies

  1. Oh what a lovely colour, Marilyn.


  2. Marilyn, you have some beautiful photos for today 😀


  3. Summer is at it’s height … I better get out there and do something …

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have a red and white grouping of begonias in a hanging basket in my shade area along with my fuchsia. I think of you every time I water that fuchsia because I’ve never had one before. 🙂 My geraniums are in full sun and have been pretty happy so far.


  5. They are looking good and too much direct sunlight is not always so ideal


  6. Beautiful shots and beautiful begonias! 🙂 Mine are mostly a pale pink with some deeper pink ones coming out as a winter blooming (the pale ones are from the end of our Summer) I keep them outdoors all year round.


  7. Gorgeous and my favorite color.

    Liked by 1 person