SHARE YOUR WORLD – Marilyn Armstrong

Share Your World -10-22-18


Credit for this first question goes to Teresa of The Haunted Wordsmith.   She asked for TEN books, in her challenge, so the SYW folks got off a bit easy..)

Name two books that have influenced you and share how.  
O Jerusalem: Day by Day and Minute by Minute, the Historic Struggle for Jerusalem and the Birth of Israel by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre

I first read the book when I lived in New York. It’s a great book for anyone who likes history. But later I read the same book when I was actually living in Jerusalem. When they wrote “… and then they charged up the hill …” and I looked out my living room window and realized — that WAS the hill. Suddenly, I realized there’s a no comparison between wars fought thousands of miles away and a war fought in your backyard.

Angelique, by Ann Golan.

I was 13 when I first read the book and in my fifties when I read the last one that had been translated into English.

With all the power of Crown and Church arrayed against her, Angélique finds a way through every imaginable personal tragedy and emerges victorious. Bowed, but never beaten, her defeats are temporary setbacks. Her triumphs change the world.

She is deathlessly beautiful, but Angélique doesn’t win the day using sex.

When she leads, she carries a gun and a sword. She will kill in defense of her own and does. She fights for her family, her home, her beliefs, her rights.

She became much more than a fictional character to me. At a time when female role models were few and far between, Angélique was fearless. Unstoppable. No simpering lady of fashion, she was tough. Smart. She suffered the worst life could dish out. She faced down unspeakable challenges. And there were casualties. She became a kind of mystical image of perfection for me. A dream woman whose feet were firmly planted on the earth.

In your opinion, where is the line between art and not art? 

I don’t think there is a line. Each person has their own version of “the line” between what is and isn’t art, but it’s not a real thing. It’s just where each individual puts it.

This doesn’t mean that I like everything. I don’t. There are many things deemed artistic that I find repulsive, even ugly … but I don’t define art.

Two Acoma seed pots

But on the other hand, if someone gives me a museum, I know what I wouldn’t put in it!

Trivia for Halloween:   What item is banned only during Halloween from 12am October 31st to 12pm November 1st in Hollywood California?   

Silly String. And I don’t know why either.

What is something that really annoys you but doesn’t bother most people? 

Stupid people. But that bothers a lot of people. People who use bad grammar — but that hardly makes me unique. Actually, I don’t think I have an answer for this one. I think I get annoyed by the same stuff that annoys most people. The only difference is that I write about it.

Instead of our usual gratitude question, I’m posing this one for this week: What or who in your life brings you the most joy?

Garry. Maybe it has always been Garry. He aggravates me, annoys me, frustrates me. He’s the soul of my soul and heart of my heart.

Categories: Books, Humor, Personal

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13 replies

  1. I never ever get tired of how beautiful you and Garry’s relationship is. ❤ Thanks for reminding me today that some love is 'forever' and endures. It's damned rare, if you didn't know (and maybe you do). As to the silly string: These are the 'facts' as presented by other bloggers (who provided links, but I don't have them. Wikipedia is one if you're really interested): silly string doesn't really biodegrade, it's like some plastics (which face it IS) and it'll hang around for eons; it takes the paint off cars and buildings, when it hardens up it's extremely hard to remove from a surface. I don't blame Hollywood for banning that crap. Thanks Marilyn for Sharing Your World with us! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • These were really interesting questions. They just took me a long time to answer because (gasp) I had to THINK about them!

      Garry and I are very lucky. Couples that form lifetime relationships are usually very grateful. It’s rare. Some couple stay together because they can’t afford a divorce or they just don’t care enough to bother … but when it works, it’s amazing.


  2. Soul of soul, heart of heart! What could be better! A treasure for each other in the best possible way 🙂


  3. feel free to correct my grammar anytime Marilyn. I’m just remembering elementary school or guessing half the time.

    And that Soulmate thing? I hope we get to meet each other’s someday.


  4. I’d never heard about the Silly String ban as Halloween is not really a big deal here but I’ve cleaned it up so I know what a mess it makes. You are a lucky person to have found your soul mate, you are both lucky.


  5. Love the Acoma seed pots!

    Silly string — Hollywood is a major gathering place for “silly” celebratory gatherings — upwards of 100,000 people gather on H’wood Blvd on H’ween night. The aggravation and the cost of cleanup (over $200,000) prompted the local merchants to request an ordnance banning silly string for 12 hours after midnight on Halloween! Makes sense to me!

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