HOLDING TIME – A Square for Becky B

Time in your hand? I used to collect old pocket watches, but over the years, I’ve given many of them away to people who could afford to repair them.

It’s very hard to find anyone who can fix a watch these days.

It seems like clockmakers have disappeared along with buggy whip manufacturers. And also, buggies.

Elgin (Waltham) silver railroad pocket watch

I have two left I just couldn’t let go. The one showing here is a solid silver Elgin-Waltham railroad watch. Big, silver, heavy, it actually runs … but it needs a new crystal and I have no idea where to find one. So if anyone just happens to know a hobby watchmaker, let me know.

The railroad man’s watch

The only caretakers left are hobbyists. The “pros” change batteries. The people who “take care of watches” know nothing about them. If it doesn’t have a battery, they are lost.

I love the feel of a big, heavy pocket watch. This one feels so delicious in my hand, I didn’t want to put it away. I polished it up and put it in a pouch to keep it clean.


Categories: #Photography, square, time

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15 replies

  1. The face of a clock is one of the tests they use to determine mental health. Now it won’t have much substance because how can you know something that you never learned?


  2. I love pocket watches. What a beauty


  3. Beautiful pocket watches. My MrB still uses one too! I have a wrist watch which was my granddad’s, and it doesn’t need a battery. Just needs to be worn as it needs a pulse to work. Love it.


  4. Haven’t seen those for a long time especially the Roman numerals.


  5. Watches are not used by people much anymore as they have their phones to check on time. But love to wear mine and these pocket watches look great.


  6. I will post on my FB Page and see if there are genuine watch caretakers out there?


    • If there is someone who does it for a hobby, we will be very lucky. Both the watches — the gold and the silver — can be repaired, if we have someone to fix them.



  1. Timing is everything | The life of B