A SQUIRREL’S INTRIGUE – Marilyn Armstrong

FOWC with Fandango — Intrigue

It’s not as complicated with this squirrel as it was with Moose and Squirrel. They had opponents, Boris and Natasha. This squirrel’s only concern is whether the birds are going to attack him if he sits down and has some brunch in the flat feeder.

I’m thinking. Where are Boris and Natasha when I need them?

I think I need an agent!

He’s been in and out of it all morning, but the little flock birds, especially the warblers, are getting a bit aggressive about a big furry guy plunked in the feeder and they dive bomb him as he munches. But Owen refilled the feeder this morning, so there’s plenty for everyone. They only seem to get possessive when the quantity drops kind of low … which take 3 days, by the way. These birds are very good eaters.

Pssst, birds. I’m hungry too!

I can smell the corn and the sunflower seeds! I’m gonna make a run for it!

He eventually made his way into the feeder where he stayed quite a while, but these were taken while he sat in the oak tree trying to make up his mind: to feed or not to feed? THAT is the question!

Categories: #animals, #FOWC, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Wildlife

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29 replies

  1. What a cutie-pie. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The birds don’t think the squirrel is cute, they know he can fit a lot more seed inside him than they can. They are not birdbrains.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love watching squirrels as well and these are great catches..Unfortunately, my cats killed a squirrel today and presented it to me on the kitchen steps. Poor thing. They had devoured most of it, and it had the most incredibly foul odor! As though it had been there for days, but even worse..


  4. Don’t get squirrels at our feeder. But pigeons are the feeder bullies. When they eat, everyone else has to wait. Sparrows toss the seeds out of the feeder onto the ground though – then eat them. Not sure why?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Really enjoying the high quality in these photos! The light halo around the squirrels in fabulous. The detail is amazing. Funny story too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Poor fellow, I shouldn’t feel sorry for him. He looks very well fed to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I suspect, that now he’s been a little reassured that he isn’t going to be pecked to death, he’ll come back for more goodies. What a cutie too! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love watching them, and their antics! Great captures of this cute fella!

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