A PRIME DAY IN SPRING – Marilyn Armstrong

FOWC with Fandango — Prime

It was an absolutely PRIME day!

Not only did it start out sunny, but it stayed sunny. All day today. It was warm without being hot and the flowers began to bloom. There was almost no humidity.

The birds were singing. The winds were warm and a bit blowy.

Tomorrow it’s supposed to be even nicer. Sunny and warm, without the wind. It should be the most prime of prime days for all of spring and if I can find a little time between errands, it could be the best day to take springlike pictures.

A day for Goldfinch

And all I have to do, is get to the doctor to pick up a script, have the oil in the car changed (I don’t know where the time has gone!), go grocery shopping, put the new mailbox up, and go into starvation mode for the tests they are (finally) running on Thursday. These should prove, once and for all, whether or not I have brains in my head. Or maybe it’s just some old hard drive that got stuck there.

Oh and I really should back up the month of March before it becomes May.

House Finch and Cowbird

Thursday should hopefully be the last day I am spending at the hospital unless they find something I don’t want them to find. It’s why I hate testing. It’s not merely the time, inconvenience and the bill that always shows up eventually. It’s that I don’t want them to discover something unfortunate. So if all goes well, I should be able to stop visiting specialists and maybe save enough to get a pair of eyeglasses.

And pay the man who is going to fix the chimney. And buy a storm door for the house before winter shows up again.

The Mourning Dove has returned

We were at the doctor today, too — for Garry. Meanwhile, I’m trying to find a good injector of cortisone to see if I can get my hips and back to hurt less. It’s getting hard to get around. In 10 years, I’ll be unable to move at all and that is not a pleasant thought so I have to see if I can get arthritis to at least, slow down.

Another pretty red House Finch

So again, if I’m missing, it’s not lack of love. It’s just that the days are not long enough. It’s half past midnight and I’m writing tomorrow morning’s post because I know I won’t be able to do it at the usual time. These are the days when I begin to wonder if maybe there’s another way to deal with this.

Hundreds of unread emails and posts and news and photos to process … and I already know I’m not going to be able to do it.

Not what I had in mind, but at least, for two days, the sun is shining and look! The birds stayed and let me take their pictures!

Categories: #Birds, #FOWC, #Health, #Photography, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Personal, Weather

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17 replies

  1. It’s been glorious here too today. I was out weeding in the garden doing a winter clean up. Hope all goes well with the doctor.
    Leslie xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad the good weather has now reached your part of the world. Enjoy it as I know you will.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We’ve been having some amazing autumn weather, trees starting to get some nice colour. With a week off from the shop I hope I might get out to take some pictures too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You know, I just wrote you and it disappeared. Completely. It’s WordPress. The last time I heard from you was April 8th. So yeah, it’s them. Again.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow. Okay. That is weird. I’ve seen other bloggers complain that their pingbacks weren’t working or that their comments weren’t showing up, but I didn’t realize it was happening to my comments as well.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s why I get in touch. Because if no one tells you, you won’t know. You write the comment, it looks like it went through … but it vanished into cyber nothing. This isn’t the first time I’ve had it happen and I know a LOT of other people to whom it has happened, Your posts go out but the comments disappear, Once I got a comment from Judy that was 3 months late. Where WAS it all that time????

        Liked by 1 person

    • Marilyn, the good weather you wrote about yesterday actually is here today. it’s mild – mid 60’s as I write. but brisk winds are making it feel cooler. Our weather-maven, Harvelah, predicted this yesterday. Harvelah almost always gets it right.


  5. Hi Marilyn,

    I received a kind of strange email from you (or maybe someone pretending to be you). It was sent from (unmentioned) and “you” wrote, “Haven’t heard from you in weeks. You mad at me?”

    Have you not been seeing my likes and comments? I read your posts every day and although I don’t comment on every one, I do comment often. So either something is funky with WordPress or this was a scam email. I would have sent this to you on your contacts page, but I couldn’t find one on your blog. Anyway, here’s a screenshot of the email I got. Please feel free to delete this comment after you read it, but I’m just trying to find out if your email to me was legitimately from you or if someone is impersonating you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango, sounds hinky. We watching some tV show last night. “NCIS” or “NCIS-New Orleans” which dealt with internet hackers. Guess you never know who’s trolling in cyberspace.

      Liked by 1 person