RDP Saturday: EGG

Last night, I made French toast — pain perdu — for dinner. I don’t know how they serve it in France, but here, it gets served with bacon on the side and real, Vermont maple syrup on top.

It is delicious and more like dessert than dinner.

Dinner or breakfast, it’s delicious

Over the years, eggs have been good for you, bad for you, terrible for you, good for you, excellent for you … and here in New England, brown ones are supposed to be healthier than white ones. I have no idea if there’s any truth to that because I always buy the cheapest eggs I can, but always large ones because one day I came home with medium-sized eggs and my granddaughter refused to even speak to me.

My Easter eggs never looked this good!

She really loved eggs and she though buying small eggs was cruel and unusual breakfast.

A very modern Seder plate

It can also be pretty funny

This week is Passover and Easter. They always come at the same time because “The Last Supper” was a Seder during Passover, so this is one of those times when Christians have to examine (if they think about it and I’m pretty sure most of them don’t) their Jewish roots. There are hard-boiled eggs on the Passover table too, by the way. Just so you know, this is a very eggy week.

A Seder table – More work than you ever imagined for a single meal!

Personally, I ignore warnings about eggs. I don’t eat them every day and never did. Also, I figure a house that has eggs and bread will never be hungry.

The eggs of the bunny?

Happy whatever you celebrate and happy whatever you do not celebrate. And enjoy your eggs. I add a hint of vanilla extract to the beaten eggs and it definitely adds a certain “Je ne sais quoi” to the French toast.

Oh, almost forgot: I shake a LOT of cinnamon on the bread as it is frying. How wrong can you go with vanilla, cinnamon, and maple syrup?

Categories: #Food, #Recipes, celebration, Cooking, Daily Prompt, Religion

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25 replies

  1. I’m the only kid in our family that is religious. Always have been from day one. I like to understand and honour all faiths as I see they have their place and are huge in many people’s lives. I’ve looked into the origins of Easter, yet I know what it means to most Christians. For me, a time of renewal and new growth. We do have a Easter dinner with family and all.
    Hope you had a great Easter weekend!


  2. Mum was Christian so Easter was a big deal for her. For me, I just wanted some chocolate. The feast was OK too.


    • When my granddaughter was hitting eight or nine and had never heard of Jesus or Christianity — or for that matter, Judaism and actually, though Easter was about baskets of sweets. She didn’t like chocolate but always ate the eggs — weird kid. In theory, in a Jewish family, the religion comes from the mother, but in Christianity, from the father. So she could have swung either way. But living as we do in a very Christian area with dozens of churches and not a single synagogue, it seems sensible to find a nice Protestant place for her … and later, if life took her to “choices on religion,” she could make up her own mind.

      I didn’t feel, without as much as a synagogue to send her to, I could raise her Jewish. I don’t practice the religion except I like the food and lived in Israel. I know a lot ABOUT Judaism, even though I don’t practice it. I also know a lot about Christianity, because I studied that too and even converted to it, though I practice it to the same degree that I practice Judaism — which is not at all. I am completely non-dogmatic. I believe in something, but I don’t know exactly what it is or who (if anyone) is in charge.

      But Garry and I felt some pediatric religion was required. I didn’t expect her to decide to become a minister or rabbi, but I thought she needed to know that Christ was not a chocolate bunny and Judaism is a religion, not a bad word you call someone.

      You can’t make a choice if you don’t know anything.

      To my great relief, she is happily practicing nothing and still likes eggs better than chocolate.


  3. Three cheers for French Toast (done the right way) and eggs! ♥ Happy Days all around…


  4. Oooooooo.., French Toast! Mmmmm…


  5. Would you believe i have never made French toast in my life? Crazy, as simple as it is. I’ve eaten it a few times, though. Happy Passover/Easter. Love the eggs.


    • I hadn’t made it in years, but it was dinner time. We had eggs and half a loaf of slightly stale bread. While organizing the cupboards, I realized I still had almost a quart of Vermont maple syrup. So I suggested it to Garry and he LOVED it. Maybe it was the maple syrup. There was a slice left over and he saved it for the next morning’s breakfast. It’s so simple and it tastes really good.


      • Marilyn, when my mother got into her mid to late seventies, she claimed she had forgotten how to cook! And after that, she didn’t, even when company came. We either went out or we cooked.Ha. Smart move. I’m starting to feel that way myself. Just don’t have the gumption. I’d rather spend my time doing something else.. and nothing tastes good anymore that I used to make. I think I’m losing my tastebuds.


        • If Garry would cook, I would happily just eat. But he absolutely won’t. I think he’d starve first. So — I cook. But i only cook for Garry and I don’t cook for anyone but my very closest friends. I’m entirely cooked out. That’s why food like french toast — simple! — works for me. I make dinner, but I manage to do it simply, with very little mess (which Garry cleans up). I think I could write a book on how to cook without making a mess and get the whole thing done in about half an hour.

          I don’t have much of an appetite anymore. Garry doesn’t eat much either– which makes cooking a whole lot easier. I’ve also learned how much to cook. No full family dinner. They cook, I visit and eat. After all these years, I don’t want to cook at all, but I’ve got this guy to take care of and he will fade to nothing if I don’t make him dinner. He gets very thin very quickly these days.


  6. I don’t eat eggs every day so I refused to ever feel guilty about eating them although these days the argument is more about if they are free range, barn laid or cage laid than the health issues.


    • I have always ignored people who said eggs were bad for you. And all our local eggs are free range because that’s how the farmers raise them. They used to be REALLY free range, but I think the coyotes and foxes began to take a toll, so they put up fences. And with maple syrup, you just can’t lose.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Confession I have never either eaten or made French toast, I must be missing something. My mum always said if you have eggs and potatoes you can always cook egg and chips


    • I think French toast is probably more American than anything else. It really began as a way to use up stale bread. This and bread pudding. Also, we have really good syrup, so that matters too. There isn’t anything better than real maple syrup.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Your French toast looks delicious. I usually put a sprinkle of cinnamon on ours too. Happy Easter and Happy Passover.


    • We’re not doing anything special and neither is anyone else we know. Garry really wants to go to church in the morning — so I said if he can get out of bed, I’ll go with him. But HE has to get up, not make me drag him bodily from the bed while he whines about how tired he is.

      I don’t need to go to church. I’m Jewish.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Lovely seasonal post, Marilyn. and a great celebration of eggs for all occasions! I love them, and I try to eat them fairly often as I’m veggie – they’re a good source of protein. And of course there’s the chocolate variety, which I eat less of these days, but the odd one is nice. Lovely festive pictures too. Have a great Easter and Passover. 🙂


    • My granddaughter is quite passionate about eggs. I just feel as long as there are eggs in the house, we can’t starve. they are the fallback protein for everyone. Right now it POURING here. It sounds like a river in the backyard. If tomorrow isn’t nicer, I’m not going anywhere!

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      • Oh I’m sorry the weather is so awful there. For once it’s glorious over here, but the usual outlook is more similar to yours. Have a great day despite the rain. 🙂


  10. Haven’t had French Toast in years. What’s your recipe? Butter and real Vermont Maple Syrup are absolutely necessary.
    My grocery store sold hard boiled eggs until just the last week. I always get them, so I better ask where they have gone.That is one item I could do myself. I’ve cut down on less and less cooking.


    • For two of us, six slices of slightly stale light rye bread, five large eggs and a bit of vanilla. Beat eggs, soak the bread then fry it until it is done all the way through. I use flat pans. Actually, I use TWO flat pans so we can both eat at the same time (Garry gets 4 slices, I get 2). Sometimes I make bacon on the side, which I cook in the microwave to avoid the slimy cleanup afterward. Some people like syrup and we are in New England, so we always have maple syrup, but a lot of people just like a dusting of powdered sugar. Oh, I also shake cinnamon on the bread.

      I use light rye because unlike white bread, it doesn’t become gelatinous!

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