FOTD – October 18 – Still Autumn Leaves

Some of our pictures look very much the same, but then you can really see the difference. As a start, Garry is much more people-centric and if there are people around, he will almost always zero in on them. He, for example, will wait for a car to come onto the bridge before he takes a picture while I will wait until the vehicle leaves and then take the picture.

Photo: Garry Armstrong
Photo: Garry Armstrong
Photo: Garry Armstrong
Photo: Garry Armstrong
Photo: Garry Armstrong

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #foliage, #FOTD, #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley

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15 replies

  1. Beautiful autumn photos Garry 😀


  2. Beautiful autumn colours! My husband and I are the same – we can do the same walk together, both with our cameras, and come home with a completely different set of images! He looks for the quirky (an old abandoned single shoe, for instance) while I look for the scenic. We both like street photography but he’s more likely to ask for a portrait while I prefer candid shots. And so on …


    • He looks for people and things that are interesting. I look for postcards. I think his pictures are more interesting than mine, more cinematic, but mine would make good greeting cards or placemats 😀


  3. A red New England barn is a beauty any time, but with fall colors it’s perfect.


    • That particular barn, now a museum, dates to the late 1600s. I’ll check, but I think 1675 which was just about when the town was founded. They built things better then! They display mostly local documents, paintings, and some photographs about the canal and the river and its history, but they also sell stuff (of course). I love the building. They maintain it perfectly. Amazing that a wood barn would be in such good shape more than 300 years later.


  4. beautiful shots!


    • Garry has a great eye. He’s a little weak on technical stuff, but these days with all the electronics, I’m not much better. I USED to know a lot. Now I’m lucky if I can figure out what the menus mean. I’m afraid to change anything lest I make the camera unusable.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Garry has a good eye. Naomi absolutely hates having people in her photos. I don’t mind it if they are not distracting and I would rather have a photo with a person in it than no photo at all.
    When David and I used to photograph trains or racing cars or places we went we could nearly always tell whose photos we were looking at. We did consciously try not to take photos from the same position but we had slightly different styles. He would start photographing a train when it was just a dot in the distance while I’d wait till it was filling the frame. He could pan and move with a racing car, I couldn’t so I’d pick a spot and focus on that until a car appeared. I didn’t mind a few people in my photos, he generally preferred not to have them (unless it was one of those girls who hold umbrellas over the cars). It was a lot of fun doing photography together.


    • Garry’s such a movie fan that I think he got his eye from all the directors of those movies. I learned from books about photography and other photographers and of course being on TV put him with photographers every day for decades. He also shoots MUCH faster than I do. By the time I get focused, the shot is as likely as not already gone.

      Garry wanders more than I do, but to be fair, he can wander. I tend to stumble and fall, we we are together, but not usually side by side. I think shooting the bridge was one of the very rare times we were in the same place at the same time, but even so the pictures aren’t identical. You can tell it’s the same bridge, but the angle and width of the shots is different.

      It is fun together and one of the few things where our interests overlap.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. 🌹❤🌹❤😀


    • He does take wonderful pictures. Very rich and interesting. I would never have taken those people lest I be intruding, but I suppose all those years being on the news changed the way he thinks.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So gorgeous. I love these vibrant colors.


    • We are at peak foliage right now. It just amazing looking at the window and seeing all the colors, especially today with the sun shining so brightly. If ONLY it would last a while longer. AND not lead into winter.


  8. Can’t get used to it being autumn elsewhere in the world.


    • When I lived in Israel, I missed autumn and tried to schedule my trips to the U.S. in October. When you grow up in a 4-season world, you miss seasons — sometimes even the ones you didn’t like. Though I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss winter and Spring in Israel was ALMOST as good as fall in New England. Almost.
