Weekly Photo Challenge: The Cold, Grey North Atlantic

The sky is rosy with the coming sunrise. The air is full of the smell of salt. Sand crunches under your sandals. Listen to the call of seagulls and the whoosh of the waves breaking against the shore. Flights of plovers and terns flutter by.

You’ll never mistake this for the Pacific. It’s colder. Darker. Don’t be deceived by the apparently calm water. The undertow is powerful and can easily sweep you far out to sea before you can call for help.


The cold grey North Atlantic is simultaneously alluring and ominous, the ocean of my childhood. Whenever I dream of the sea, it’s the Atlantic that calls to me.


Categories: #Photography, Nature, photo, Summer, Sunrise

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12 replies

  1. Looks like you are getting some spam comments…not the first time for the strange words of Andrea :LOL: BTW Love the photo!


    • Andrea isn’t spam. She is German. She has an interesting site of her own, but our communications tend to be a bit … fragmentary? Yeah. That’s it. Fragmentary.


      • I would have never thought it was from a real person. hahahaha


        • Sometimes, I really have no idea what she means. Garry and I work on it together, like a puzzle. I think she uses some kind of translator tool, but the result is frequently really odd. But she’s nice lady and does some really interesting design work. I believe she teaches art.


  2. Good morning to all of my friends have important information for you.
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    Sincerely Andrea
    Many hugs



  1. Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea (Sunrise) | What's (in) the picture?
  2. WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE: SEA | 2013 Weekly Photo Challenge Blog
  3. Anchored – Capri, Italy | alternative.reality
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