75-PunkinsZS19-MAR-24 It’s not Halloween yet, but the posts are up on Facebook proclaiming that “Merry Christmas” is the only correct way to greet people during this season of fellowship and good cheer. To say “Happy Holidays” is anti Christmas. Anti Christian. Part of an international plot to destroy Christmas. What, you didn’t know that? Well, neither did I but I have been recently enlightened. I had to restrain myself from buying the book. It was on sale on (where else?) Facebook, called something like (I should have saved the link) “The Conspiracy (Plot?) to Eliminate (Eradicate?) Christmas.” Clearly there’s more to the story, but I leave it to others to fill in those blanks. Or not.

Happy Christmas, painted by Johansen Viggo

If ever an argument was perfectly designed to suck the joy out of the season, this is it. Sure, let’s make everyone feel self-conscious about wishing someone else a happy whatever. I’m pretty sure these are the same people who complain about excessive political correctness and/or the continued (obviously) anti-Christian separation of church and state. I never cease being amazed how some folks can hold completely contradictory opinions without noticing the irony, much less the illogic. But, as usual, I digress.

Call me insensitive, but I don’t see how a greeting as bland as Happy Holidays can be anti anything. It is neutral and inclusive. For those who haven’t noticed, there are a lot of holidays bundled into this short season. Christmas is just one of them so whatever you say in greeting is fine with me. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the thought that counts.

Two red chairs Why in the world does it matter to anyone what holidays I celebrate or how I celebrate them? If I’m not preventing you from doing whatever you want to do in your own home, your own church, what is your problem? Celebrate Christmas. Deck the halls. Decorate trees. String lights. Dress up as Santa. Go caroling. Put a manger with baby Jesus on your front lawn. I’m not Christian, don’t want to be, but that doesn’t mean I’m against you.

But. Please don’t put your crèche in my yard or the middle of my town. There are plenty of churches in town. They put up lots of Christmas displays. If that’s not enough, sorry, but it’s my world too. I’m not anti Christian and I’m not persecuting you or anyone. I’m merely trying to enjoy the season. My way. I won’t be offended if you wish me a Merry Christmas. Feel free to wish me happy anything and I’ll be delighted to wish you a happy whatever in return.

96-SantaPops-12-9-12_121 I think every person of every faith or no faith is entitled to celebrate — or not celebrate — the season however they want. Stop prating how others are disrespecting your faith while you trample roughshod over theirs. A lot of Christians are an embarrassment to Jesus, who was a proper Rabbi and a good Jew.

So what’s it to you if I want to celebrate the Winter Solstice while you celebrate Christmas? Let’s have more parties, more festivals. More happiness. Be of good cheer. We don’t need more acrimony.

The holidays are coming like a freight train on a long downhill run, stopping for no one and nothing. It doesn’t matter to me how you express your joy in the season. Just be happy. For yourself. For all of us. Stop being petty and mean-spirited. Christianity isn’t the only or oldest faith. No one owns the franchise on holidays. Show some of that Christian spirit and love your neighbor. Or at least pretend.

And have a wonderful season! 96-ChristmasCommons-12-9-12_134

Categories: #Photography, Christmas, Holidays, Religion, Winter

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19 replies

  1. VERY VERY VERY well said, Marilyn – and I absolutely agree. We are connected, we humans; maybe one day the zealous ‘I AM the TRUTH’ hoarders and disapprovers will realise this simple fact. All gods are one god, all goddesses one goddess! It’s the happiness/celebration of our common humanity, our life spark, our spark of the creative intelligence (whether one calls it by a god name or not) that matters not the name, the narrow dogma or the Us versus Them! Ali xxx


    • Word for word, I have given that same speech over the years. I always say that any god I’m willing to acknowledge doesn’t care which words you use, what language you speak or what dogma you follow. All prayers go one place and all thing are one thing. It’s a little too Hindu/Buddhist for some people, but I believe it.


  2. I think the holiday reserves of brotherhood (and sisterhood, for those so inclined) are pretty much exhausted by the time the Black Friday sales begin with demonstrations of mass savagery unequaled since the days of Caligula. From my own universe: happy times to all, just as long as there’s a healthy supply of egg nog.


  3. I agree with you, too. I always count myself as spiritual but not religious. Religion, to me, is manmade. I’ll celebrate Christmas – heck, I’ll celebrate anything – and I celebrate Christmas as a holiday and a time of good will, but not as something particularly religious. Yes, I know it encompasses faith and religion, but it can be bigger than that. I love Christmas.

    When I was a kid, we celebrated Christmas one year in July, just for the sake of it (being in Australia, I think my mother was fed up with Christmas coming at the hottest time of the year). We had the tree up and all the decorations, we had turkey and everything. The whole street got invited, and came. It was great.

    Being respectful is wonderful, but political correctness has gone too far. I’m fed up with the bullies in government telling us what we can say and can’t say, what we should eat and not eat, what we should give and give up again (there’s no “not give up” with government bullies). We’re being pushed around left, right and centre purely so that these creatures can gain control over our every thought and deed. Enough is enough.

    So – Happy Holidays to you, a perfectly fine sentiment. Cheers! 🙂


    • Christmas in July … that’s mid summer here. We could barbeque a turkey 🙂

      In this house, we celebrate pretty everything because we run the gamut of beliefs. Three generations of individualists. I think all celebrations are good. We should celebrate everything.

      The people getting all bent about this issue are Christians convinced the whole world is trying to destroy them. They believe they own Truth. Invented Truth. They feel saying *happy holidays* is disrespectful to Christianity, so if you don’t say Merry Christmas, you’re anti Christian. Part of the cabal to destroy their religion and eradicate Christmas. They actually believe this, which is kind of scary.

      I’m tired of being told I live in a Christian country. I don’t know about Australia — but here, we are NOT a Christian country. We have a clear, unambiguous constitutional separation of church and state. It’s just there are people who can’t accept it.


      • Yes – it seems the in-thing now to be insulted. Trouble is, it works, so extremist minorities keep doing it, shouting louder and louder to get their own way. I’m fed up with governments (in particular) and people (in general) giving in to the tantrums of others. This, by the way, is right across the board (not religion-based).

        Gosh, we get into some great chats, don’t we? 🙂


        • ME TOO. Minorities have a disproportionate say in just about everything. A vocal, determined minority always beats the majority. A majority isn’t an entity. It isn’t organized or focused. What the majority has in common is what it isn’t, i.e. it’s *not* a vocal minority. The implications are scary.


        • The implications? Man, it’s too late – the implications are already wired in. Fortunately worldwide the sleepy public awakes, and people are getting angry about being lied to and bullied and all the things their taxes are going on. There’s going to be interesting times ahead.

          We seem to think alike. 🙂


          • Yes, we do think alike … and I sure hope that sleepy public does wake up. Soon would be good. Very soon would be better. Because an epidemic of stupid seems to be engulfing the world, Argh.


        • I think the time has come. Even the politicians are waking up – some of them. I’m hoping the rest will fully understand the implications before the pitchforks come out. Watch ’em do a turnaround. 😛


          • I sure hope you are right. I hate the place we have come to. I know we’ve been here before, but not since modern communications. I’m glad I’m not a kid in this world. It was a lot more fun 50 years ago.


        • I’m with you there! I follow the blogs for my news and get a better idea of all that’s going on behind the scenes. Fascinating meltdown happening for the alarmists, even while they continue to snarl into the camera and pretend that nothing is wrong (these guys really want catastrophe, that alone should make people sit up and think. See how upset they get when it’s not happening). Actually, it’s all very educational and quite entertaining.

          I think I’m getting too off track here – sorry – it’s all connected, though. They ram guilt at us in order to control us. Slice by slice they are taking our freedoms, including religious freedom. That’s what it’s about. Only, it’s coming apart now – there are holes in their theories big enough to drive trucks through, and more people are asking awkward questions. Which is why there is such panic going on at the moment – they are running out of time.

          This is a bit political, and I’ll stop here. If I’ve said anything too off topic, snip away, I won’t be offended. As you know, my blog is not political and I don’t normally discuss anything political, I am just very, very aware of these guys.


          • It is all connected. Everything. Historically, we’ve been here before a couple of times. It’s cyclical. But this go round, with the dominance of electronic media and social networking … it’s different. Edgier. Faster. More morons weighing in. If it didn’t affect us so directly, it would be fun to sit back and watch the show. I’m pretty political myself and I believe in the interconnectedness of everything. We live in ntersting times, in the Chinese sense.


        • I’m enjoy watching it come down. It’s taking an age, but it’s happening. Interesting times. Yes. In the Chinese sense. Absolutely.

          It’s evening here, so I’m off. Thanks for the great chat – again. Have a great day/evening, whatever time it is there for you. Cheers. 🙂


  4. Couldn’t agree more. Amazing, isn’t it, how many people use religion or spirituality as a bludgeon instead of an invitation! Exclusiveness and superiority and hate, all the finest sales tools available to frustratingly, stubbornly ignorant humans. Sigh. Good thing laughter hasn’t been outlawed yet!


    • Every year this comes up and every year I wonder how people could so completely miss the point of the faith they are trying to sell. It IS amazing. Not in a good way 🙂


  5. Perfectly said, Marilyn. Absolutely perfect! I love all the holidays. It’s just one of the best times of year for everyone or it could be.
