An All-Year Christmas Tree

It’s getting toward the end of January and our Christmas tree is glowing brightly in the dining room. There are people who are a bit slow to take down the tree, but I believe that we are by far, the absolutely slowest.

Tree 2012

No one ever wants to take the tree down. It’s not a real tree, so there’s no time limit. It’s not going to dry out nor is it going to drop millions of pine needles in the house. I guess that takes the edge off it, but to be fair, we’ve always had a problem with our tree. I think we should just throw something over it and leave it up until next year. Nonetheless, sometime around Easter, someone will point out, usually a guest, that we still have the tree up.

We pleasantly agree that yes, indeed, the tree is still standing. Yup, absolutely, no doubt about it, the tree is right there in the dining room where it was during Christmas, New Year‘s, Martin Luther King Day and Valentine’s Day. We just rename it in honor of whatever holiday is currently in progress.

We used to be embarrassed but after all these years of not taking down the tree until the flowers are blooming in the garden, we’ve become fairly thick-skinned about the whole thing.

More Tree

I can’t take it down myself, nor is this Garry’s bailiwick. When I was younger, I did all that stuff but I’m not so young now. My back is not accommodating about bending, twisting. It’s barely willing to coöperate and let me do things like sleep through the night (defined as more than 5 hours), walk around without yelping with pain every time I move or even sit on the sofa. It is, in fact, pretty bad and while sometimes it seems to be getting better, the moment I try to do anything more than nothing, it lets me know about it on no uncertain terms. So, if it’s up to me, that tree is a permanent part of our decor.


Right now, it’s the Winter Tree. Next month, when I am sure it will still be standing there, I will call it our Valentine Tree and if it’s still hanging around in April, it will be the Passover and Easter tree. In between it will be my birthday tree, then Garry’s birthday tree.

By May it becomes a bit embarrassing and my son will probably take the tree down. If not, we’ll just call it his birthday tree and by Autumn, we might as well just leave it up because the holidays will be coming around again.

No one can say we don’t get enough use out of our tree. We have gotten our money’s worth. That tree doesn’t owe us a thing.

Categories: #Photography, Christmas, Family, Holidays, Humor, Life

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12 replies

  1. Yup, mine’s still up too!! I guess I’m part of the procrastination crew. Well, at least I’m in good company. LOL. Happy MLK tree day!!


  2. If “the kids” don’t take down our tree, mebbe it’ll stay up all year. It gives our dining room klass and hides the dirt.


  3. its almost a gut wrenching event around here when Rose finally takes all the Christmas decorations down. she does the whole house and makes Christmas a really special thing.
    as a kid it was a family event – us six kids and Mum & Dad would all participate in the tree decorations. we had a real tree so it was taken down when the needles started to fall. now we have an artificial tree and it can stay up forever if we want – and we surely let it stand at least a couple of weeks after Christmas …

    good tidings to all.


    • A couple of weeks? Try the better part of a year. If we had a closet, we’d put the whole thing away, decorations and all, then bring it out and plug it in next year. Voila. Christmas.


  4. It’s so pretty, I wouldn’t want to take it down either!

    One tradition I have is to create an Easter tree. I take my miniature Christmas tree (artificial) and hang colorful Easter eggs on it. It makes for a nice springtime table decoration through March and April.


  5. I’ll join your growing list of tree procrastinators. When I lived in South Carolina we always had two Christmas trees, one indoors in our living room and a second on our porched in area that had green AstroTurf and hanging flower baskets all around the ceiling edge. It was an ideal location to put up a decorated tree that could be seen from the highway that passed in front of our house. We kept it up so long one year that a robin built a nest in the artificial branches and hatched 3 baby birds. We watched the babies being hatched and delighted in their constant chirping. Not long after that a 3 foot long black snake crawled up our artificial tree and ate those poor baby robins. It was time to take down the tree. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • If a snake were to show up in the tree … or anywhere in the vicinity, Garry would probably leave home for good. He really really doesn’t like snakes .For me, it is spiders. I might have given up Christmas trees forever. On the other hand, the birds were a charming touch 🙂

      I guess when your tree becomes an ecosystem, one can take it as a sign!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m an anti-spider person myself. The snake paid the ultimate price as did a dog that got into our yard and killed a littler of kittens on our deck. While chasing one he went flying into our above ground & couldn’t get out. Animal control put a noose around his head & hauled him off to the pound. Dog Owners Beware!


  6. Our tree is still up, and likely ro be so indefinitely.
