Oh good god, my house is burning down? I have to grab five things? Maybe one of the ancient Chinese porcelain pieces? A doll? One of Garry’s Emmys? A camera? Too much. Too much to think about, too much to deal with. Sorry, no answer.

It’s entirely too much for me. I’m putting on my coat and getting the hell out of here. Too much loss to contemplate. I’ll sort it all out later. Much later.


Burning Down the House – Your home is on fire. Grab five items (assume all people and animals are safe). What did you grab?

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23 replies

  1. I would grab five fire extinguishers. This sounds like one of those tricky logic puzzles…


    • I think I have a fire extinguisher … somewhere. I’m not sure it works or when it was charged, but I think it had to be more than 25 years ago. At the very least.


  2. Not in order of importance, but I would probably grab:
    1. My purse, which has my car keys in it (hopefully).
    2. The “fireproof” box which has my important papers in it (also hopefully).
    3. The two doggie coffins containing their ashes (sure wouldn’t want those getting burned up).
    4. My daughter’s oil paintings.
    5. Whatever book I was in the middle of reading when the whole thing started, ’cause I always have to read a book all the way through to the end – and I might as well have something to do while the firemen are doing what they do.


    • My “fireproof box? It isn’t a box. I’ve got stuff all over the place, in draws, boxes, attic, basement. I have no idea where most of my important papers are and I’ve gotten to an age where I figure eventually, it will be someone else’s problem. Shame on me, I know.


  3. My coat! of course… it’s cold out there. 🙂


  4. I will grab all of the living things.


  5. Can’t think about this at the moment. Probably grab my cough syrup.


  6. no worries … there’s plenty more worlds where this came from.

    id probably grab my 4 cats and a pop tart.
    oh ya, my wife.


  7. Beyond grabbing my external hard drive, that would be my answer, too, Marilyn. To put off thinking about it. I seem to remember having childhood anxiety dreams on this theme – what to take when running away. But oh the stuff we laden ourselves with. It gives lots of pleasure of course, but also makes for dust, too many places for spiders to hide, and much annoyance when trying to find things.


  8. Geez, so many decisions! First the dogs of course. Then, my emmys and other awards and my Duke Snider shrine. Then the Duke Wayne poster. Then…make sure my hair is combed and I’m dressed well for my devestated remarks to the media who will have been alerted.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You know there are so many idiots in this world that want to take over, that want to force their own power and ideas on everyone and they come from all countries. I realised something yesterday talking to my son. We are all so good, we are all reducing our armies in Europe, we are all trying to be nice and understanding and peaceful and one day one of the leaders or tribes will march in, shoot off a few bullets and take over and we will just be statistics. Houses will be burning, but countries will be burning as well.


    • I suspect your paranoia is well founded. Because evil is never dead. It’s just lying low, waiting for the right opportunity. Isn’t that really what Hitler did after all of Europe was disarmed and everyone wanted nothing to do with more war?



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