Our dogs.

dog prisoners in garden

They are bad. Evil, scheming devils. Ready to steal our food and our hearts without a smidgen of guilt.

They track in dirt on their darling little paws, leave gouts of fur all over our clothing and furniture. They weasel themselves into every picture. We plan our lives around them and in return, what do they give us?

Everything. Absolutely everything.

For A Photo A Week Challenge: Pets from Nancy Merrill

Categories: #animals, #gallery, #Photography, dogs, Humor, Pets, Photo A Week Challenge

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14 replies

  1. I tried to get my cats to provide an equal time response to this post, but they just gave me a cold stare and went back to lying in the sunbeam….


    • I usually get the rear end of the kids heading out the door. That’s why half the time Garry looks like he’s strangling her. He’d just hanging on to her. She’ hates cameras … or at least MY camera. Now Bishop, he LOVES being photographed. Never met a camera he didn’t like.


  2. Clearly – Dogs rule and they know it. That might make a good book – life from a dog’s perspective? You could called it “Bonnie and Cohorts”?


  3. Unconditional love. Hard to believe. Wonderful to experience. .


  4. And they are always there when you need a hug and unconditional love. Yep, that’s bad. 🙂


  5. Beautiful!!! And I totally agree 🙂


  6. B-b-b-bad to the bone. Wonderful pictures, Marilyn. Thanks for joining the challenge!


  7. I’ve come to love them dearly, even though they bark too much, shed too much and demand constant loving. 🙂
