SILENCE – WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge

Up in the mountains of Vermont, it is quiet in the morning. Not silent, usually. There are always birds and somewhere in the distance, the sound of farm machinery. But it is about as silent as our world gets in these times.


It’s another bright early morning.

A place from which to watch the world.


Categories: #Photography, Dawn, Sunrise

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14 replies

  1. Beautiful photo’s Marilyn I love the red and blue chairs – if only republicans and democrats could sit that peacefully side by side! 😉

    Not sure i like the idea of views for the rich though?


  2. Beautiful sunset, Marilyn. What a view in the second one!


    • The state of Vermont uses their backyard as an advertisement for the state of Vermont. It really IS that amazing. They have to pay higher taxes (this is not a joke) because of their view. It’s called a “View Tax.” If you have a magnificent view from your property, you pay more taxes in Vermont.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m on my way to sit in one of those chairs and share a cup of coffee with you Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mmm. Heavenly. And Bernie Sanders too 🙂


  5. I would most definitely watch the world in that second photo.



  1. Silence – Street Light – What's (in) the picture?
  2. WPC: Silence | Lillie-Put