Flowers of the Day and Probably for the Summer

Every summer, I hang two pots on the deck. I used to hand two fuchsias and some begonias in the corners, but for the past few years, no one is growing fuchsia, so it has been some form of begonia.

This year, it’s on trailing geranium and a lovely pink begonia. I miss the fuchsia and don’t understand why no one is growing them. Someone said they went out of style.

Went out of style? How does something that beautiful “go out of style”? And the fuchsia were very popular with the hummingbirds. I hope they will like these flowers half as well.

One geranium

It was a cool but pleasant day, so while Garry was out — little did I know he was busy taking pictures too. I took a some macros of the hanging pots on the deck and got a few of the lilacs. It’s hard to get the lilacs. They are way high up off the ground. It’s easier for me to shoot them from the deck with a really long lens.

I guess we’ll have to do some work on the lilacs to make them come back a bit lower to the ground!

Two geranium

The weather was so bad this winter, I almost gave up photography, but Garry went out there and took tons of them. He came in frozen solid, but he had pictures.

Pink begonias

After the March storms, he put the camera down and seemed to have no interest in shooting anything. I think he was tired. He made up for it today.

More pink begonias

We both did, actually. Between the two of us, this was a solid 300 shot day, most of them from Garry. But these are mine. It’s definitely macro time!

Deck flowers 2018

I don’t put up so many flowers these days. It’s hard for me to lift the watering can up over my head, so two pots generally suffice. But if someone would please grow some fuchsia, I’d make the sacrifice!

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Macro

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20 replies

  1. Have you ever tried the hanging basket waterers—-they are like a spray bottle with a long curved tube, you just put the tube in the plant and squeeze, they are pretty light and you don’t have to lift as high thanks to the tube. The only problem is refilling if you have a lot of plants.


  2. I love them too. Have never fancied begonias but adore geraniums. This looks wonderful.


  3. Beautiful flowers for today Marilyn. 😀


  4. They’re such a lovely colour, Marilyn.


  5. I love ornamental geraniums. Not quite their planting out season here, though the early cottage garden sort are blazing away.


  6. How beautiful your surroundings are, Marilyn.


  7. I have the same problem with organising the big can, it is too heavy
