GIANT THISTLES – Marilyn Armstrong

Flower of the Day 

They just showed up in my garden a few years ago. The leaves looked like thistle leaves, but rather huge. Eventually, the flower popped up and it looked like a thistle — but huge.

I discovered, after minimal research, that these flowers are called “Giant Thistles” because they look exactly like thistles, but are much bigger. Unlike regular thistles, they have no thorns.

The bees love them, so I love them too. They have been spreading around the garden for several years.

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Gardens

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10 replies

  1. Oh what beautiful thistle. I simply adore their flowers.


  2. Those wild flowers can be quite nice. They’re usually pretty hardy too.


  3. Lovely flowers. I think that they are red clovers.


  4. They look very good. I don’t like the real thistles, too big.
