Winter Solstice – Time for Dinner

It was not a day for taking pictures of birds. It has been pouring all day. Even at midday, it was dark outside.

I have taken so many pictures over the past month, there were more than enough pictures to make a post for today. On this dark and dreary day, it seemed a good time for bright birds. And it was almost warm enough for flowers, though the meteorologists assure us that cold weather is fast approaching.

This warm day is just that. A day of warm rain … on the winter solstice.

Squared Hairy Woodpecker

Squared two Hairy Woodpeckers and a Warbler

Square impressionist birds at the feeder – Two Warblers and a Chickadee

Categories: #Birds, #Photography, time, Weather

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19 replies

  1. The two Warblers are a lovely colour.

    Liked by 1 person

    • There are a LOT of them and they come in bright yellow, green, something that’s halfway between yellow and green, tan with hints of green … and aside from bars on wings and tail, THEY ALL LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME. And they change color by season AND when they are breeding. So they are just warblers. All warblers. I think those MAY have been yellow warblers because they are the brightest, but it may be also been the way the light caught them.

      Warblers. MANY warblers. The come in flocks!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Wonderful birding shots . . .and a lovely way to mark the Winter Solstice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I got some new ones this morning. I couldn’t figure out why my camera wouldn’t focus. First, AF was off. Oops. Also, the battery was on it’s last limping legs. By the time I got that worked out, the Cardinal, for whom I’d been waiting got bored and left. But I got the usual suspects.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the ‘Hairy’ woodpeckers! 🙂 You can literally see that feeder getting emptier frame by frame! 😉

    It’s funny but your Winter Solstice was at 5.30 pm on the 21st… which makes it 6.30 am on the 22nd here!

    I’m not sure if that makes us a day ahead or a day behind you?? 😉

    (It’s still the day of the Summer Solstice here and will be for the next 8.5 hours!)

    Liked by 2 people

    • I never really understood the day before, a day behind thing. I have trouble doping out what time it is in California, much less Australia. I DO know that when it’s late night here, it’s early morning in England and Europe. When I lived in Israel people called at all hours of the day and night. They had NO idea what time it was and even though I had memorized it (7 hours earlier in New York), I would forget when awakened at 4 in the morning, at which point I could only speak Hebrew, for some reason.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s amazing the way our consciousness works.. not being (easily) able to switch back to english at 4 am in Israel? Briliant! 🙂
        With the Solstice though, i knew it could change dates (21/22 December – 22/23 for the equinoxes) but i never thought of it being a different day for the SAME solstice at different points on the globe before now?

        It occurs at only one exact point in time during any year so some country on the West of the International Date Line will almost always have their shortest day on a different day to the other side of the world.


        • And the REST of the time, I could only speak English. Apparently, my unconscious spoke Hebrew, but not my regular mouth. There was some kind of mental disconnect.

          Liked by 1 person

          • That’s just plain weird! 🙂

            Although thinking about it a bit makes more sense…

            When we sleep it gives our brain a break from the mass of stimulus information being constantly received while awake and gives it time to assimilate new important information into our neuron circuitry, possibly by replaying the most ‘important’/stressing events from the previous 24 hours over and over to familiarise ourselves with them. In your case it was probably from a need to understand the ‘foreign’ language you were being bombarded with.

            As you were waking the brain had perhaps become ‘soaked’ in hebrew phrases/connections which gradually were replaced with your more familiar conscious english as the day progressed.

            How long did it take before you felt comfortable speaking hebrew after you arrived??


    • Bob, whatever, time for Soltice libation celebration.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely pictures

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful birds. I wish we had such a variety

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