A LADDER ON THE DECK – Marilyn Armstrong

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Chutes and Ladders

Someone left the ladder on our deck, probably whoever last looked at my chimney. This made taking the pictures today a lot easier than usual. Just a quick step onto the back deck, startling a few birds and scaring a squirrel back into the trees. You can tell it was a squirrel because the feeder is swinging wildly side to side.

Snap, snap, snap. Ladder shot!

A short ladder

Our ladder

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Marilyn Armstrong

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15 replies

  1. I wouldn’t want to sit in that chair. Great photo Marilyn 😀


    • It all cleans up pretty well. When we moved into the house, we were both working, so we bought very good outside furniture and 19 years later, when I clean it up, it still looks like new!


  2. I hope the chimney can easily be repaired!


  3. I guess there some work planned for that ladder.


  4. That was very convenient except perhaps for the birds and squirrels who had their lunch interrupted but then it is always lunchtime for them.


  5. Someone hanging up a flower basket?


  6. Excellent pics, Marilyn, and what a great fit to the challenge! They work well in monochrome too. 🙂
