FOWC with Fandango —Anyone (Technically) Can Win

These last 2-1/2 years with El Trumpo Magnifico as our Fearless Leader has made politics a lot less fun than they used to be. I’ve always been a bit of a political junkie. I love watching elections, reading about who won which debate. I even love the long debates with silly rules and far too many people. Following elections, I am constantly charmed by how quickly every candidate will break each promise made on the campaign trail.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts have pulled away from the pack in most national and early-state polls over the last month.

It should not be surprising that those three candidates have risen to the top of the field of more than 20: Biden, Sanders, and Warren are the three contenders who came to the race with a national political brand, and they have used their campaigns to hone their messages with a clarity that none of their competitors have. — Los Angeles Times

This time, it’s not nearly as much fun. There so much at stake. Literally, our life and death in this world — culturally, politically, and ecologically — is dizzily spinning on the edge of nothingness. If we get it wrong this time, I’m not sure there will be time to turn back.

I don’t mean only picking a candidate who can pulverize hizzoner at the polls, but a candidate who isn’t going to abandon every promise as soon as he or she is in office based on who has the swing vote or the big money. Or both.

It’s going to come down to Bernie, Biden, or Warren. It’s obviously going to be a three-candidate race. Even though I find the ideas from other candidates interesting, they should seriously be considering running for another office. How about SENATOR?


I think Bernie, great ideas notwithstanding, looks like his heart is going to explode. If I was his mate, I’d be dragging him to a hospital for a serious physical. Garry thinks his head is going to blow up. I think he’s about ready for a massive heart attack.

I don’t think he can run this country, at least not long enough to accomplish much. Maybe if he picked the right (young and healthy) running mate? But we don’t vote for vice president. Overall, I think Bernie’s time came and went. He has grown old fighting the good fight, but he needs to let others take over. As a retiree, I can assure him that once he gets over his passion to fix the world, he’ll enjoy it. He can do what Garry does: sit in front of the television and yell at the guys now doing the job he used to do.


Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., aka “Joe Biden,” certainly has the credentials. One of the reasons everyone picks on him is how long he has served and how many decisions he has had to make. Some of them may not have worked out the way he thought they would, but he has done surprisingly well for a long time.

Photo via Newscom

He has a record to attack, which is something most of the nominees don’t have. For good or ill, he has come through some pretty rough patches in life and he’s managed to come out of it a decent, thoughtful, intelligent human being. While he isn’t my personal pick for President, I would not be unhappy if he did become president. He’s a lot smarter than people think he is. He’s forgotten more about our political system than most of the erstwhile candidates ever learned.

He can do it well, especially if he picks a high-quality cabinet composed of capable people who he then allows to do the job for which they were hired. He has a lot of dedicated years as a man who cares. I don’t think he owes a lot to the big corporate groups. I hope not, anyway. This is information which is hard to unearth.

FACTOID TO REMEMBER: Yesterday, I got a call from what I assumed was our local cop shop looking for donations. At the end of the call after I explained we were too poor to be giving anything to anybody, he said he was part of a PAC and donations are NOT tax-deductible.

Watch out. They suddenly talk very fast when they get to this
part of the shpiel.


Finally, we get to my pick: Elizabeth Ann Warren. She has been our senator for some years now. I like her.

She’s a thinker and a planner. The reason she has answers for everything is that she has thought about the questions and found some answers.

Is everything on her agenda going to go exactly as planned? Of course not. No one’s “plans” are going to go exactly as stated. Because once you get into office, there are all these other people you need to work with to get the job done. No one gets it done alone — not counting our current moron-in-chief. He’s not getting anything done either, but he’s giving everyone high blood pressure while not getting it done.

I believe that within the realities of Washington D.C., Elizabeth Warren will get as much done as anybody could. It won’t be easy. It won’t be a quick fix. She will do the best she can with the people in Congress, the Senate, and lord help us, the Supreme Court. She’s got wonderful credentials including the ability to teach. I think that’s one of the reasons she makes such a good impression as a nominee. She explains information in a way that everybody can understand. She doesn’t make it simplistic or stupid. She doesn’t act like we are stupid. She simply cuts out the technobabble and uses words that anyone who isn’t stupid will understand.

Is she going to reach “Trump’s Base?” No one will reach them. They are not reachable. Personally, I thought Hillary Clinton’s “deplorable” was a pretty good description of those morons. But Fandango had a point. She should have just called them assholes. Fewer syllables are better — and wouldn’t it be great to see all those people walking around in T-shirts that say “I’M A REPUBLICAN ASSHOLE!” It would go well with their MAGA hats.

Make no mistake. This is not going to be an easy fight.

China and Russia are still working their butts off trying to skew our elections and I’m pretty sure our current administration is giving them all the help they need. Everyone — and I do mean EVERYONE — has to get out and vote. We need to show the world and prove to ourselves we care about this world and our place in it.

The problems we face are national, but also universal. Many of them we caused ourselves. We have never properly dealt with immigration and never taken our environment seriously. The information about what’s happening to our climate is not new. I was working on it when I lived in Israel and working at The University of Jerusalem’s Environmental Health Laboratory. Even in a little country like Israel, we couldn’t convince the kibbutzniks and other farmers to stop using nitrogen-based fertilizer.

It’s not that nitrogen per se is bad, but in an arid zone (Israel’s climate is very similar to Arizona), without heavy rain to “wash” the soil, nitrogen collects and seeps into the aquifer and ultimately poisons it.

Israel poisoned its aquifer while I lived there. It wasn’t a powerful aquifer. Most aquifers are fragile and you have to be careful what goes into it if you want to drink it — or even use it for watering crops.

I am told, though I have not seen them, that Israel is finally, building big desalinization plants, something David Ben Gurion had on his list of top 10 most important “issues to be dealt with” in Israel in 1948. It only took 50+ years to get to it.

Here, in Massachusetts, all our water come from an aquifer. The Blackstone watershed is a major player in our water supply. We’ve got a pretty healthy aquifer, but it’s one aquifer. When someone says (I have heard this too many times to count): “I can do what I like with my water because the well is on MY land,” he or she doesn’t get it.

The aquifer belongs to everyone. If you use too much water or weed killer or chemical fertilizer, you endanger the water we all need. Your water is my water. My neighbor’s water is your water and his neighbor’s water belongs to you, me and everyone else. 

We live and die together on this planet. Whether or not we personally hate each other, we still absolutely positively MUST cooperate in keeping our water drinkable, our air breathable, and our land free of poison.

Aquifer in action

Did you catch Trump explaining that we had to get rid of low-usage light bulbs because they make him look orange? Really. He said that. They don’t make me look orange, but he says they make everyone look orange. He really is a jackass.

Categories: #American-history, #FOWC, #Photography, climate change, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Government, Marilyn Armstrong

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33 replies

  1. What a great post! I really enjoyed it and agree with everything you said 🙂👍


  2. From what I have read Warren sounds by far the best but she will have it twice as hard as any male candidate. She looks tough enough to handle it. I didn’t think America would vote for a black President, maybe I will be surprised again. I hope so.


  3. Elizabeth Warren sounds promising.


  4. A woman cannot beat Trump. Biden can (I believe). If he took one of the young guys (or maybe Warren) as a running mate that would be good. Sanders is just a spoiler and needs to drop out. As far as I’m concerned, the two things that matter most are 1) upending the Repugnican majority in the Senate and 2) getting rid of Trump. And, in a perfect world, uncovering the machine that is running that orange douchebag.


    • Oh, I agree. Getting rid of Trump is #1. Almost ANYONE would be a better head of state. I like Warren, but we’re such a retrograde country … well … we’ll see. Biden and Warren together might be REALLY good.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. All I can say is I wish you the best!!!!!!! the best candidate with the best chance of following through.


  6. The comment at the end about the light bulbs was classic. “Jackass” is far too mild a term for that creature, but I know you’re a lady. Thanks for the synopsis of the political climate to be (maybe) and the valid concerns about what humanity continues to do vis a vis our physical world. Someone came into my yard recently and sprayed something (I still don’t know what) on the wild grass that was clogging up my flower bed. In the process they killed a formerly thriving bush and did who knows what kind of damage to ground water around here (it’s a small case, but they all build up, don’t they?). I’m livid and nobody (of course) will admit they did that. People individually can be as stupid as any mob, can’t they?


    • We had neighbors using RoundUp weed killer and all our Robins dropped dead in their nests. NOW they are suing Johnson & Johnson. Any of us could have told them the stuff was lethal 20 years ago and what’s more, they KNEW it.

      That’s the real problem. People think the problem needs to be solved, but they don’t want to be involved in the process. We have a “somebody else’s problem” issue in progress, only this time, if we don’t GET involved, we’re all dead.


  7. I like Biden. I also like Warren, but I’m afraid our country is not ready yet to elect a female president.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I, too, am leaning toward Elizabeth Warren. Overall, I think she’s the best candidate and would be an outstanding president.


    • She’s been a fun, uplifting, right-on-the-money senator, too. I remember when she was first elected, I asked Garry if she ALWAYS talked with that level of energy and enthuiasm.

      “Yup,” he said.

      I don’t know how she does it. She seems to have more energy in an hour than I have in a month.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Being a Brit I cannot add any comments for your side of the pond. We have a BoJo now and he gives me enough to think about. However, I just love the name El Trumpo Magnifico, it suits him.


  10. Elizabeth Warren is my choice also.

    Thank you for another wonderful post.


  11. I feel it will be one of the main three and any of the choices are a beautiful alternative to what tree have now


  12. I did glance at the “lightbulbs make me look orange” comment. Does he really not realise that he comes off as a nutcase when he comes out with these things? It is hard to believe anyone can be that stupid. It’s also odd the way that he refers to himself in the third person.


  13. Well said, Marilyn. I appreciate your thoughtful analysis of each of the three leading candidates. Although my personal favorite is Cory Booker, it looks like he is not getting any traction. That being said, I think he would be a great VP; I wouldn’t mind Biden-Booker or Warren-Booker. The key is which candidate has the best chance to beat Trump; at this point that seems to be Biden.

    Liked by 1 person