NO TIME TO SLEEP – Marilyn Armstrong

Brain to Marilyn: Hey, get up. I’ve got stuff to do.

Marilyn to Brain: Shut up. I’m tired. Let me sleep or I swear I’ll take a pill and shut you down.

Brain (sullen): Fine. Be that way.

Marilyn drifts off to sleep for half an hour.

Brain: How about that dream I sent you eh?

Marilyn: That was horrible. Why did you do that?

Brain: I thought it was cool the way I turned butterflies into flying monsters. You didn’t like it?

Marilyn: No, I did not like it. And right now, I don’t like you.

Brain to Marilyn: Logic and Emotion are going at it again. Wow, this one’s a real knock down drag out fight. Loud, huh.

Marilyn to Logic and Emotion: If you guys don’t cut it out, I’m going to stop this car and you are both getting a time-out.

Logic and Emotion in chorus: HE STARTED IT MOM!

Marilyn to Logic and Emotion: I don’t care who started it. SHUT UP! I need sleep!

Logic and Emotion together (meekly): Sorry Mom. Don’t be mad …

Brain to Marilyn: I have a message from Spine. She says you need to take something for pain. Spine is unhappy.

Marilyn to Brain: Spine is always unhappy.

Brain to Marilyn: Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Oh, and Bladder needs a trip to the bathroom.

Marilyn: Oh fine.

Muttering all the way, Marilyn gets up, hauls self to bathroom. Comes back with Tylenol. Takes pills, crawls into bed pulling covers over head. Sighs and settles into the embrace of the most comfortable bed in the world.

Brain to Marilyn: Hey, I’ve got a great idea for a story! How about you write about our morning chats, huh? Wouldn’t that be neat? Come on, get up before you forget everything. Lazy daisy get your butt outta bed.

Marilyn to Brain: I haven’t had 6 hours of sleep yet. I’m too tired to write.

Brain to Marilyn: You are never too tired to write! Get up, get up, it’s morning.

Sounds: Dogs howling, yapping, more howling.

Marilyn: Can you make the dogs shut up?

Brain: Sorry, no direct access to doggie brains.

Marilyn to Brain: Okay. You win. I’m up, I’m up. Coffee. I hope we aren’t out of half and half. I’m never going to get a whole night’s sleep. I’m going to die of permanent, chronic sleep deprivation. I hope you are all proud of yourselves.

The mournful howl of canines is heard in the background. Day has begun. Soon there will be coffee and all will be well. Tired, but well.


Categories: #Photography, Mental health

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15 replies

  1. I think my overactive brain actually helps me fall asleep. My mind is always wandering from one thing to the next, eventually I lose interest in where my brain is going and just zone out. ZZZZZZ. Of course, since this happens when I’m awake as well, it leaves me very inattentive to what’s going on around me… and quite possibly, always making it look like I’m having a conversation with myself.


    • I fell asleep at EVERY company meeting. They would dim the light for the inevitable slide show and I would wake up when I started to snore. The probably dimmed my future in management.


  2. I can identify….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That was fun. When my brain REALLY wants me to get up and deal with the bladder thing it sends me nightmares of the evil X. Works EVERY time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. And that dear, is why they invented naps. So the busy brain, not communicating at all well with the body (except the bladder, and in your case the spine; why does the bladder get all that attention is what I wanna know! It USED to work properly, ten thousand years ago), can gear up for another go-round. At 3 a.m… well that’s when MINE starts yapping and won’t shut up at least. Yours at least gives you six hours..

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wouldn’t Itbe great if my brain could communicate with yours in the morning, they would have so much in common and it would keep them busy so we could sleep. Great idea for a write

    Liked by 1 person