OUR HANDS – Marilyn Armstrong

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hands

Like the Back of My Hand,” this has backs, fronts, and slightly sideways hands.


Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Marilyn Armstrong

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9 replies

  1. They are so difficult to paint.


  2. You always capture hands wonderfully. How in the world can you type on that small keyboard? I never could. Chris did when she had a mini though.


  3. Great photos!! The hands never lie, they speak to us of our journey. I’m always amused at some ‘celebrity’ that has had things lifted and tucked to look much younger than they are, but since there’s nothing to do about the hands; one can always tell the true age if one looks at those. I suspect gloves may make a come back. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • My mother always said you could tell by the neck and the hands. Necks get lifted, but hands? They are what they are! Mine look relatively young without a camera, but all the things that connect them to the rest of my body are broken, stretched, missing a ligament or have a broken tendon and a full of arthritis. My feet and my hands look better than any other part of me … and they barely work at all 😀

      My mother had awful hands, but I think it was because she had her hands in hot water and detergent all the time AND she chewed her nails. And for some reason, while she used lots of skin conditioner on her face and neck, she didn’t bother with her hands.


  4. Our hands seem to be on the electonic devices or cameras most of the time.
