THE GRAND DUKE – Marilyn Armstrong


We got him by accident. We kept him because he needed a home. We thought eventually, he’d calm down. He calmed down. He has mostly stopped jumping fences. Mostly. He isn’t mellow exactly, but he is among the friendliest dogs I’ve ever known.

He’s loving and sweet and protective. He tries very hard to be fierce, but no one is ever afraid of him. He will keep trying, though.

Resting … however briefly

What’s going on out there!

Portrait of the beast

“I think I smell a squirrel”

Guarding on the sofa!

His eyes watch me. I might go to the kitchen!

He has a great face and melting eyes.

In bed with Garry

Categories: #Photography, dogs, Marilyn Armstrong, Pets

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22 replies

  1. He’ll continue to be a good friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Slmret, he’s a good kid. Just when I’m ready to scold him, he gives me that “look” and I smile. Anger defused.


  2. He is adorable! He looks like he may have some cavalier king charles spaniel in his mix.

    Liked by 1 person

    • He has some kind or kinds of dogs that came from China or Japan. That squashed muzzle tells the tail, as does his curled tail. But we don’t know. We try to guess a lot.


  3. It was a lucky day when you were asked to have him. For all of you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And so it has turned out. He livened up the whole household. But today, Owen found him loose in the driveway, so now we are trying to figure out HOW he got out. Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to want to go anywhere. He like living HERE. He had enough street in his past.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tas, you are so right. Duke has enlivened things for Marilyn and me and put new spark in Bonnie’s life. Duke has a thing for Bonnie.

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      • I hope he won’t be lonely when he is an only dog.


        • I’m actually worried about that too. We will see how it goes. Adoption has gotten to be more expensive than buying a dog from a breeder, so I’m not sure we could get another one — and I don’t want a puppy. I’m too old and crotchety to housebreak a puppy.

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          • Yes, I know what you mean. I respect the fact that the shelters do all the vet work, microchipping etc before they give a dog up for adoption but it costs seveal hundred dollars upfront now and that would make it hard for a lot of people who are still capable of giving a pet a great home and would do those things over time. It seems like Duke is the kind of dog who will need some companionship. Still you got him without going through shelters, word of mouth may bring you another suitable dog.


  4. hahaha! he reminds me of my nitro. nitro is a lab retriever cross. he’s a guide dog although he’s retiring soon. he’s 9.5 now. they are sooo cute!


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