When you look back at your blog on January 2, 2015, what would you like to see?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us PROGRESS.

I like the way my site is developing. I like the people who visit, the folks  I’m getting to know. I even believe I’m making progress with writing shorter, pithier pieces — with fewer typos — but it wouldn’t be Serendipity without a few mistakes, right?


A year from now? I hope WordPress has added more formatting options for text, especially the ability to change fonts and font sizes on the fly. Otherwise? I’m a pretty happy camper!

One REALLY big wish: WordPress, are you listening? Please make the reader part of the statistical hit count. It’s a great tool, especially when you follow a lot of blogs and have limited time to visit, but the bloggers you visit via the Reader don’t get the “credit” for your visit … which seems kind of unfair.

Otherwise, I think I’ll just keep on doing what I do and hopefully will still be around to worry about it a year from now. Blog happy, my friends.

Categories: #Blogging, Statistics, WordPress

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33 replies

  1. Great post and suggestions. Seems everyone agrees !


  2. If I had a wish list of changes I’d like to see with WordPress the topmost would be the ability to edit comments, at least for a short time. I hate reading my typos right after hitting the SEND button without being able to correct them.


  3. Keep on improving – that’s my goal this year. I don’t ever want to settle into ‘I think I’ve got the hang of this’ mode. There are so many options and so much opportunity to learn on WordPress.

    I agree 1000% on tallying views in the reader. I’ve seen many blogs that will only let you read the first so many words of a blog and then you have to click ‘View Original’ to get the full post. It’s definitely a feature you and I should look into!


    • I’ve gotten comments from friends telling me it’s annoying when they can’t read the whole thing in the Reader or Email. Trying to explain the whole “hit” thing to them doesn’t help because they don’t CARE about your stats. Ultimately I decided if my goal is to get read, then I shouldn’t put up impediments to my audience, regardless of hits and counts and stats. BUT — the stats DO matter to me — you — and every other blogger. They aren’t the only thing that matters, but it’s the way we know if we are reaching people, writing/showing material that interests them. Not so much to our audience though. It’s a bit paradoxical, is it not?

      You know it’s the Reader zapping you when the number of “likes” on a post exceeds the hit count in your stats!!


  4. Keep on keeping on . As I’ve mentioned, you are touching a number of lives and maybe souls. That’s truly a gift and priceless.


  5. I totally agree with your suggestion to WordPress to have “more formatting options for text, especially the ability to change fonts and font sizes on the fly.” My old hosting site, TypePad, had those capabilities, but other than that, I’m happier here at WordPress. I also like your suggestion related to Reader.


    • Overall, I do like WordPress. Within each template, we get far more formatting capability than Blogger (for example), and much better handling of photos which is (obviously) important to me. I sometimes get a bit frustrated with the text limitations, espcially because some of the available options are a bit buggy. But over all, it’s good. The templates offer a lot of choice. Even though I’m willing to buy one, I seem to like the free ones better. Go figure, right?

      But I do wish they’d make the reader “count.” It’s a great tool that I hesitate to use because it doesn’t credit the blogger. I hope they fix that.


  6. Lovely suggestion, Marilyn, and one that WordPress should take very seriously. Great post and thanks for the pingback/link!! 😀



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