Share Your World – and a Happy Halloween!


Where’s the line between respectful disagreement and being downright mean (bullying) to someone?

There’s no official line, but I think you know it when you hear it.

Would you prefer to live in a world where alcohol was free or where politicians were honest?

Aw, c’mon. I don’t even drink.

What’s one habit you have that your family or friends think is rather childish?

Staying up all night reading a book. I’ve never managed to entirely break the habit, but I’m not allowed to complain how tired I am the next day. I made the decision, I bear the consequences.

Would you rather go to a big party and rub shoulders with the rich and famous or go to an amazing quiet Garden that hardly anyone has ever visited?

Ironically, because of Garry’s job, I’ve gone to a lot of rich and famous parties and pretty much all of them were expensive (you had to get clothing, right?) and when you got there, dull. Almost ANYTHING, including watching old TV shows, has got to be more exciting. A quiet garden sounds fine. Maybe with a bit of background music, too.

Halloween Question:    What do you think of the idea of “trick or treat or money for a charity” as a way of making Halloween more useful?

Nice idea. I don’t think it would really work, but it’s always worth a try.


Categories: #Photography, Holidays, Humor, Share My World

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16 replies

  1. to the 1st question: You know it when it happens
    a quiet garden, any time! with a drink, some candles, good talks, looking up to the stars and admiring the growth, yep….
    I’m totally NOT a Halloween person. Never was, never liked it, still don’t – it’s a money spinning monstrosity nowadays. It has taken foot in France too but I think we might get away lightly, as we are just one house with then a long stretch of road w/o any other houses.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for Sharing Your (spooky) World today Marilyn!! I like the idea of a nice garden ‘party’ with a few really good friends, some subtle background music, and a good time had by all. Beats the snooty boring party all to pieces! Cute pumpkin pic btw! 😉 Happy Haunting. You’re in a great place for spooky goings on…out in the woods and in Massachusetts. Witches any one? 😉


    • Ironically, no one trick or treats here. It’s too dark and there are no sidewalks. Also, the road is narrow and twisting … and everyone goes into town. We used to take Kaity into town, too. There aren’t enough houses along this road to make the takings worthwhile! When we lived in Boston, they used to come in small buses. We’d get HUNDREDS of children until finally, even when I bought enough goodies for a stadium, we will ran out. Eventually, we left town for the night. Giving candy to 1000 kids one night turned out to be less energizing that I imagined 😂


  3. An honest politician ….chuckle ….doesn’t exist.


    • Honest candidates exist, but once they get gnarled up in the system, there are a million compromises. Pure honesty is not a part of Real Politics. I don’t think it was, even back in Democratic Rome.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I remember some TV program where an honest woman became Prime Minister. She got mixed up in more “situations” and yet she tried to keep her integrity. It was difficult and you could see it.


  4. We all want honest politicians. Maybe the garden party would be in utopia with quiet background music and honest politicians.


  5. We used to trick or treat for Unicef way back in the fifties! People would give us a coin and of course usually insist we take candy as well.

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